Thursday, February 16, 2012

Follow Friday and a wedding invite!

Gain New Blog Followers
Feature & Follow Friday is a Meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Each week there's a fun new question then you hop around and check out all kinds of fun new blogs! Jump over to their blogs to join in on the fun!

Q: I like unique names for characters and am looking forward to coming up with some when I start writing. What's the most unique character name you've come across?

Oh Lordy. There are just way too many over the years. I'm going with a whole series on this one. It's one of my favorites. Dragon Kin by G.A. Aiken. Hysterical, dramatic, insane dragons. Really can't get much better than that. So. We have....Annwyl the Bloody and Fearghus the Destroyer, Talaith and Briec the Mighty, Ragnar the Cunning and Keita, Vigholf the Abhorrent and Rhona, Gwenvael the Handsome and Dagmar and last but not least....Éibhear the Blue. I love them all. 

Ah, and then the lovely boys from J.R.Ward's BDB. Zsadist (my all time favorite hero), Rhage, Phury, Xhex, Vishous, Torhment and of course Butch. I mean, really. Who here knows a Butch?? Hehe. Love all the funky spellings.  

I know I'm missing some that have made me go "ah, huh??" over the years. Love what authors can come up with. I'm going to have to start writing them down I think. 

So, what are some of yalls favorites?

Oh! And check out the two giveaways on the left side. Two books up for grabs and some yummy chocolates!


And for the wedding invite :) One of my favorite authors has a new book coming out and Jane's finally getting married!


"You're invited to the wedding of Nice Girl Jane Jameson to Gabriel Nightengale. NICE GIRLS DON'T BITE THEIR NEIGHBORS hits the shelves on Feb. 28."


  1. LOL! I have yet to read BDB but that makes me want to read it bad. Zsadist. That sounds smexy!

    New follower:D

    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy

    1. Thanks for coming by Natasha! Oh, he's smexy. Should definitely give him a read.

  2. Sounds like Welsh names! My friend says he has 4 Welsh aunts "and not a vowel amongst them". ;-)

    Old follower

  3. Following. Ragnar is amazing. More people should use that name.

    1. Isn't it? Only time I've ever seen it and I loved it!

  4. You did a much better job of name examples than I did! I really think I need to start keeping a better book journal. :)


    1. Definitely helped that two of my favorite series have an abundance of them :) I'm thinking I need to start keeping a list too. I know I've seen some even stranger ones!

      Thanks for hopping in!

  5. LOL! I love it when they have more consonants than vowels.

    I'm a follower. :)

    1. They are kinda fun :)

      Thanks for hopping by! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  6. I've only read book one of Dragon Kin. I really need to get back to that series,

    I'm a new follower

    1. It gets really good! It's in my top 5 series I think. Book 3 one of my favorite books ever. Thanks for the follow!

  7. New Follower!!! YAY!!! Great answer. I love J.R. Ward's characters!

    Ali @Ali's Bookshelf

  8. New follower :) I haven't read the BDB yet, but the names sound funky :))
    You have read 40 books already????????? OMGGGGGGGG!!!

    My #FF

    1. Ward does a lot of funky spellings not just with names. I really like it but I know it drives some people crazy.

      Yeah, 40 books so far. Crazy, right? I'm a terrible fast reader.

      Thanks for coming by!

  9. I know - Butch! Silly when thrown in there with all the other BDB names. There are so many unique names out there these days. Terriblea and Chess from Downside Ghosts, Wicked and Truth from Anita Blake, Brystion from Abby Sinclair. I could go on and on!

    Great post!

    Here's our FF

    Jamie @Addicted2Heroines

    1. Oh those are good. I've got Downside Ghosts on my shelf waiting to be read. Don't know why I haven't yet. Have heard so much about that series!

  10. Just hopping by, happy Friday!

  11. Those are some awesome names!
    I LOVE unique character names!

    Have a FABULOUS Friday!!!! :D


  12. Following back, love your blog and I cannot wait for Molly's new book. Steph

    1. Thanks for coming by! I'm so excited about a new Harper book. She's a favorite in this house :) Hope you're having a great week!

  13. New follower straggling along trying to get to all the linky's this time even if it takes all week.

    Those dragons names sound very Celtic. Great!

    I’m at

    1. Now that is an impressive goal! Good luck getting through all of them :) Thanks for coming by here along the way!


I always enjoy hearing what YOU think so come on and leave a comment. Everyone's welcome :) And feel free to leave comments on old posts. I'll check in on you there too :)

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