Thursday, February 9, 2012

Follow Friday!

Q: What would your prefer: reading your favorite book over and over again until you got sick of it OR reading 100s of mediocre books? And why?

A: I'd so go for reading 100s of mediocre books instead of my favorite until I was sick of it. I never want to be sick of my favorite book. Would break my heart to get tired of the characters and get to the point I didn't want to visit with them anymore. Plus even mediocre books have their moments and can make you laugh or cry. 

What about yall?


  1. Hey, I'm a new follower and I can't wait to hear more from you! I can see where you're coming from. I'd probably get really bored, but I also like reading my favorite books over and over!

    1. Oh I like reading my favorite over and over again too :) I'd just have to sneak it in with all the others.

  2. I'd read my favorite book over and over and over!

    New follower! Here's my Follow Friday Post.

    Happy weekend!
    -JoAnne @ The Fairytale Nerd

  3. Yes! I completely agree. I want to keep on loving my favorites, not grow tired of reading them ;)

    New follower

    1. Exactly! Wouldn't that just be terrible?? Perish the thought!

  4. Your answer is very similar to mine. :-)

    New follower, please check out my answer

  5. I went for reading my favorite over and over. I've already read it so many times that if I haven't gotten sick of it yet, I don't think it could ever happen! But you're right too, even the mediocre books have their moments =)

    Old Follower
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
    My FF
    Fever Giveaway

    1. I can't imagine the number of times I'd have to read my favorite to get sick of it. Hasn't happened yet but I definitely do not want to find out. Fingers crossed it never happens :)

  6. I love rereading too! I still haven't got bored of The Hunger Games, even though I'd reread it for more times than I can count.

    Don't forget to enter my giveaway, both are international!
    The New Death eBook Giveaway
    Fractured Light eBook Giveaway

  7. I suppose you are correct in saying that mediocre books have some good moments. I didn't think of that. Old follower.

  8. New follower hopping through. I agree, something could surprise you in the new reads.

    1. exactly. never know when one of those mediocre books will turn into one of your favorite series :)

  9. I would rather read my favorite books over and over again. I wouldn't want to waste time on books that are only mediocre.
    New follower.
    Waiting For Wentworth

    1. A tough question but I agree with your answer.

    2. If I could throw all of my favorites in the mix I'd so be right there with you :) But if just one book? Arg. Nope couldn't do that.

      Thanks for coming by!

  10. I totally agree with you - great answer. It's almost the same as mine! :)

    You can check out my answer here:Follow Friday and enter my International Giveaway here!

    Stephanie =)

  11. I'm afraid I'd want to burn those 100 mediocre books. LOL

    I'm a new follower. ;)

    1. bwhaha! poor mediocre books! you can send them over this way. i'll take care of em :)

  12. Hopping through. I wouldn't want to read bad books but I'd hate to get bored with my fav books.
    My Hop

  13. This one was tricky this week! I'd still vote for reading my favorite. Mediocre books drive me crazy!

    Thanks for visiting,
    Goldilox :)


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