Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Random Reads! February: Montana Fire

Random Reads is a monthly meme hosted by I'm Loving Books out to help all those unfortunate books that always get picked last. All you do is pick a book at random from your TBR shelf and read it within in the month.

Such a great idea I have to join in :) Click the banner up top for more information and to join in! I have all of my books on Goodreads and used to pick my book for me which landed me on........ Book 553! One of my newest arrivals and probably one I'd never read.  So, last month I bought a mystery box of 50 romance books on ebay with no idea what it would have inside. Montana Fire was one of the books included. Looks like it has two stories. Never read Lisa Jackson. No idea what this ones about. Should be interesting. Off to Goodreads to see what I just got myself into....

Naive and in love, Tessa Kramer had lost her innocence to Denver McLean under the Montana sky. But when a fire blazed through the McLean ranch, casting deadly suspicion on Tessa's ardor, Denver left and never looked back. Now, years later, he's returned. But will their scars from the past undo the connection they still feel?
"Tender Trap"
Sweet Cassie Aldridge had tempted Colton McLean like no other. But then she had tried to lure him into marriage. He'd been on the run ever since, taking on dangerous assignments in war-torn countries. Now, home to recuperate, he found Cassie even more tempting. Was it time for Colton to set aside his wandering ways for good?


  1. I haven't heard of this one, but I Hope you enjoy it!

    Thanks for joining in on Random Reads. :)

    ♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books

    1. Me too! Thanks for helping save this book from the back of the line :)

      Happy reading!

  2. Ooh! I don't know much about this type of book (I read mostly YA), but it looks good! Especially Tender Trap. Hope you enjoy xo


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