Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Seducing the Enemy's Daughter by Jules Bennett

Brady Stone had just learned the new manager of the property he wanted was a woman...and quite desirable. Charming Samantha Donovan into giving away corporate secrets would be even sweeter considering she was the enemy's daughter.

The business magnate had been planning his revenge for years. Now the only thing standing between Brady and victory was a beautiful, innocent pawn. His head told him to forget about any possible future with Samantha. But his heart knew that in destroying the Donovan empire he would be ruining his last chance at happiness.

Type: Contemporary Romance
Heat: 2 out of 5
Rating: 2 out of 5

I picked up Seducing the Enemy's Daughter because of the Lori Foster Get Together this summer that Jules Bennett is attending. I want to read a little of each author that will be there. 

Her writing is simple and easy to read. I really enjoyed the character of Samantha. She's hard working, determined, treats people well and cares about her job and the people who work for her. Samantha is throwing everything she's got into making the Hawaiian resort she runs a success. She loves the resort and wants to earn her father's respect as a business woman. She's someone I'd want to know and be friends with. Someone you want to see succeed. She's a lovely woman who is surrounded by less than stellar men. Father, brother and our hero Brady. Honestly, they all fall firmly into the category of bastards.

I really should have paid better attention and picked another book of Bennett's to read because this one has one of my least favorite storylines to read about. Brady Stone decides to use Samantha to crush her family and get ownership of her resort. His family owned it previously and feels that her father underhandedly stole it out from his when his father was ill. I really do not like dishonest heroes and Brady was nothing but. He said all of the right things, was sweet and thoughtful but all with an ulterior motive. He knew how little support she was getting and how hurt that made her feel but kept on using her knowing he was just going to break her heart and spirit. Just wanted to slap him around a bit for being such a jackass. While all the men eventually redeemed themselves it felt too rushed and either I'm too much of a bitch or Samantha is way too nice because no way in hell would I have let them all off the hook so quickly and easily. I would have liked to see more of their relationship together after everything was out on the table instead of the "you're a bastard....I'm sorry....all's forgiven...hey lets get married!" bit that happened in such a short amount of time. Seeing Brady actually fixing everything and making things right with Samantha instead of just flitting past it all and her forgiving him. Would have also loved to get more explanation about the past and what brought the two families to such odds. We get the general background but it would have been nice to have it better developed.

Overall it's not a bad read if you're looking for something quick and easy for an afternoon read and my general grrr feeling had to do more with my own feelings on the topic and not the actual writing. I'm going to pick another of Bennett's books and see how it goes with a different storyline.

Amazon | Goodreads

1 comment:

  1. I really think this one sound great thanks for sharing


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