Sunday, March 11, 2012

Recipes: Fried Plantains

I was looking for something quick and easy to make this week and for some reason plantains popped into my head. We had friends when I was growing up that would make them all the time but it's been probably 15 years or so since I've had them. 

They're very easy to make. I decided to just go from memory and what my mom could recall instead of using a recipe. A few I looked at tried to make things so complicated with soaking the plantains in solutions and such. So I set out on my own. 

The hardest part of making these?? Peeling the suckers. Geez! There has got to be an easier way! It was kind of like trying to peel a hard boiled egg that just doesn't want to cooperate. Having to chip a little away at a time. 

After you get past the peeling things moved right along. I chopped the plantains into 1/2"ish  chunks then dropped them into a pan of vegetable oil that was heating. That seemed to work best instead of waiting until the oil was actually hot. Once they start to turn color I removed them placed them between layers of paper towel. Growing up I think our friends used paper grocery bags for this part and the smashing fun but I was paper bag-less. 

After laying the slightly cooked plantains out you get to smash them. Love this part. A nice little pop with the heel of your hand. Then back into the now hot oil to cook until browned and crispy. Then a little salt. 

These turned out quite tasty. In less than 5 minutes you have a nice little snack. I had mine either plain or with ketchup. There are dipping sauces you can make for it but I love ketchup and it works for me. 

Have you ever made fried Plantains? Any luck peeling the suckers??

-Plantains (I used just one plantain for the above. It's maybe 2 servings?)
-vegetable oil for frying
-salt for seasoning

  • Peel and slice plantains into 1/2" chunks
  • Heat oil on medium/high heat and place plantain chunks into the heating oil
  • When the chunks start to change colors removed and place between layers of paper bag or paper towels
  • Smash chunks until they are flattened then return to the now hot oil
  • Cook until browned and crispy
  • Remove and drain then salt to taste

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