Friday, April 6, 2012

Fun Foto Fails (A to Z)

Just a little fun today with some of the herd, past and present, and their "special" moments. 

This was Henry a pup my mom and I shared between FL and NC on on our last trip down to FL to meet my mom. He was such a pretty boy so this one always makes me snicker a little. Definitely not his best best look ;)

Rescue baby, Cedar. She was part of our "Tree" kitten litter. I adopted her sisters Holly and Cypress :) Quite the face!

Ah, Sage. One of the rescue "Color" litter. Yes. That was a lovely surprise. The second before this picture was taken he was sound asleep in my hands. Looking so sweet and angelic.....then demon kitteh! Was SO gross. The way I was holding him made his little "gift" run all down my arm. ::shudder::

Okay. Made Sage a little bigger so maybe yall can see what's happening there. But if not. He's tossing his cookies all over me. Nice, right? I do love the photo though because the timing is just awesome!

My very special boy Jeremy. He's not the brightest of the lot but I love him. He's spent two whole nights standing between the house door and the storm door. Both times he had snuck in there while I was closing the door after letting the dogs in from their last time out before bed. I didn't know until I came down for class and heard his little mews. Like I said, not so bright since he's done it twice. He also ended up stuck behind the fridge upside down on his back 5 feet off the ground one day. Took me FOREVER to find him. 

Princess Margarite Bucko. She does this thing where she smiles and I was trying to get a photo of it. We probably took 100 of them and they're all pretty funny. All different stages of smile/smirk/tongue/etc.

And finally....Margarite smiling. 

So not really a foto fail but one I think is really funny. This was my mom's pup Suzie. We found her running along I-95. She was such an odd one. We found her up on the dining room table taking a nap one day. Apparently the other dogs had already claimed the couches and she set off to find a new place to snooze. 


  1. The Princess has a lovely smile but what the heck is that thing sticking out of Sage's mouth?

    1. Isn't she a cutie? Margarite is quite the girl :)

      That stuff in Sage's mouth? He's tossing his cookies. Yech!

  2. That's quite a menagerie. They obviously keep you highly entertained. :)

    I love, love, love your blog name.

    1. Thanks Laurita! I had fun coming up with it :) And yes they certainly do keep me entertained. They're a good bunch.

  3. They all have such big personalities! I especially love Jeremy's story. He sounds quite goofy..My first rescue cat was also Sage though she now goes by Soda. I had to leave her with my friend when I moved out to Cali as she is way to skiddish to travel but I think she enjoys having a house and my friends little sister versus an apartment.

    xoxo Lloralye @ Adorning Schemes A to Z

    1. Oh they do indeed have big personalities. No wall flowers here! And Jeremy really is a goofy boy. He's just now turned 8 and still that way :)

      I'm sorry you had to leave your Sage behind but it sounds like she's with great people :)

  4. Oh my goodness! Too funny! We definitely have some photo bloopers of our dogs as well. That last one of Suzie on the table totally cracks me up. :)

  5. OH I love the pictures!!!! Suzie on the table makes up for the nights this Suzie slept on the floor! LOL

  6. I love your blog name, and your fur kids sound awesome!

    1. Thanks :) They're all pretty great babies :) We've been really lucky!

  7. You have gathered a great photo failure collection...and come up with some real winners. I love them all, but Margarite Bucko is my favorite. Keep up the good work with the A-Z Challenge; I just couldn't keep up with it.

    1. She's one of my favorites :) Such a sweetie too. Sorry to hear youre finishing up with the challenge. I think next year I'm going to do what a lot of people seem to have done and start working on my posts weeks earlier so it's not so stressful!

  8. That third one is a little terrifying... I'd be tempted to flee!

    1. I know, right? If I hadn't been holding such a tiny little bundle I would have done just that!


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