Friday, May 25, 2012

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow

18 & Over Book Blogger Follow is a weekly feature that begins on Fridays and runs through the weekend, hosted by Crystal from Reading Between the Wines. This is a Friday blog hop with the objective to find and visit other book blogs that share the same interest as you, namely books geared towards the 18 & over crowd, and make some new friends!

Question of the Week: Do you feel the need to write a review for your personal reads, as oppose to requested reviews, or are there some books you read just for the joy of reading? 

I'm a horribly fast reader so I started the blog back in January mainly to help keep track of it all. I'll pick up a book in a series and really like it but might go 4 or 5 months before reading the next one and that's like 100 other books between them so I wanted somewhere I could go and get a little refresher of how I was feeling about the series. 

I've done a couple reviews by request but mainly I try to stick to just blogging about books I picked out on my own. Just reading where I feel pulled. Of 113 so far this year I've gotten about 70 of them reviewed. So not too bad since they're mostly personal picks and no huge deal if they don't get reviewed. I like keeping it low key and stress free. No real deadlines like you have with requested reviews. Too much of that and it just wouldn't be nearly as much fun for me. I also like reading older books from the 80/90/00s that don't get much face time these days but are still fantastic books. Not really ones that you'd get requests for anymore so it nice to give them a little time and point them out to people :)

What about yall? Do you review/blog about personal reads? Just requests? Nice little combo?


  1. That is one of the main reasons I love to blog as well... good to help jog your memory!

    Great answer!

  2. Awesome book reading. I have 110 so far this year and I am with you, I don't have time to review them all. I do find that I love getting ARC's of books I am dying to read. The stress of reviewing them is overlooked by the need to read them. lol I have to say I have a combo. I do have some ARC's but I mainly read personal picks or picks that others send me.

    To Review or Not to Review that is the Question

    Amanda @ Sisters Unedited

    1. Oh yeah ARCs are fun. I do enjoy those and you're so right about them :) The excitement over them definitely outweighs any stress :)

  3. I review books that I have bought and occasionly request reviews. I started reviewing as an aide memoir too as I am so forgetful. I'm so jealous of fast readers I'm too slow and there are so many books out there that need reading lol.

    I'm a new follower and here is mine if you get chance Claire's Book Corner

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Claire. Hope you're having a great weekend too! I do love getting through so many books but boy can they get jumbled from time to time. Thank goodness I started blogging when I did!

  4. I agree about reading books from 80s/90s/00s. They definitely don't get much face time, and they really are great books. Imagine if book blogging was all the rave back then? I'm pretty sure those books would've been on everyone's TBR list.

    My Follow

    Ana♥ @ Beach Bum Reads

    1. Oh I know! There are so many amazing ones from back then. I do love that some of them are being re-released now days and people are finding out about them. Loved digging the others up on my own and spreading the word a bit though :)


I always enjoy hearing what YOU think so come on and leave a comment. Everyone's welcome :) And feel free to leave comments on old posts. I'll check in on you there too :)

Bloggers don't forget to leave your links!