Thursday, May 3, 2012

Follow Friday- thanks!

Q: What is one thing you wish you could tell your favorite author?

A: Hm. I think I'd tell Shelly Laurenston how much I appreciate her humor. I found her books last year when I was having a rough go at work (I run an animal rescue) and had a sick kitty at home. Was not a fun time.

So, Shelly, thank you for those wonderfully wacky and slightly insane shifters in your Pride series. Getting lost in their world for a little while and laughing till it hurt was a wonderful, wonderful thing. You kick ass and I am forever grateful for Lochlan, Blayne, Bo, the Shaw boys, Sissy Mae and the Smith herd and of course DeeeeeeAaaannnn and Ric :) They just kill me. 

You also helped keep a lot of people from being pinched so they kinda love ya too. 

And the herd. Well, the herd loves you too because you made their mom laugh instead of cry. And when mom's happy everyone's happy. There's treats and the good kitty nip comes out. Plus you write about kitties. Big kitties but still they're kitties and the herd thinks that's just awesome! They luuuuvs them some Mitch Shaw. Mmmhmmm.

So, what about yall? What would you tell your favorite authors?

Oh. And while you're here! 
We're giving away a copy of Eulogy's Secret by Grace Elliot if yall want to enter :)


  1. I love an author that makes you laugh. I am a new GFC follower. Here is my FF: Mom Reads My Books

  2. I bet it would make her day to read that :)

    New GFC follower. My FF.

    1. Maybe one day I'll get up the nerve to shoot her a note :) Thanks for coming by Abria!

  3. Great answer and even if it hadn't been I would still follow you because your blog name cracks me up!

    Following you now!

    My FF

    1. Thanks Catie. Glad ya got a laugh out of it :) Happy Friday!

  4. Laughing is great to do when reading a book - especially if you are around others... It keeps people guessing!

    Hope the kitty is better!

    Here is my answer! Stop by when you have a chance!

    1. Thanks Kate. It definitely is a great thing. I've gotten some funny looks more than once when I've been reading in public. Always a hoot.

  5. Hopping through. What books does Shelly Laurenston write? What a cool tribute to her.
    My Hop

    1. Thanks Alison :) Shelly writes 3 different series. The Pride, Magnus Pack and Dragon Kin (written as GA Aiken). Shifters of all kinds in the first two. Lions, bear, wolves, wild dogs. Then Dragons only with the Aiken books. All of them are fantastic!

  6. Great answer... though I haven't heard of Shelley Laurenston. Now I'll e on the lookout for her books! I'm a new follower. Feel free to check out my blog and follow too!

    My FF Post

    -Riya (The Teen Book Guru)

    1. Ah, she's great but her series are definitely adult. They're hysterical though and nicely written.

  7. Hmm, I haven't even heard of this author :( Feeling bad about it, but hey, there are thousands of authors out there, we can't know them all :)

    Here's my Follow Friday

  8. Can't say I've ever heard of the author, but I can definitely appreciate the sentiment - I always fall back on Terry Pratchett when I need a good literary laugh.

    Bob @ Beauty in Ruins

  9. Love when an author can make me laugh! It's such a great gift.

    New follower via GFC.

    Thanks for following and commenting on my FF!

  10. Authors that help you personally are always awesome! New follower!

  11. {if i'm commenting i'm a follower}

    I have never read anything by this author but will keep the name in mind in the future. Thank you for sharing.



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