Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dirty Little Secrets- the tear jerker

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by the ladies over at Under the Covers to get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets. 

This weeks question:
What books have recently made you cry?

I get a little misty eyed over a lot of the books I read but two really got me choked up recently...
Karen Marie Moning's the Immortal Highlander and Robyn Carr's A Virgin River Christmas. Kinda random and totally different styles but amazing books. They'd have me laughing one second and then completely bawling like a baby the next. The ending of the Immortal Highlander. Pfew. Yeah. Total mess. And Carr's book just about did me in. I had to put it down a couple of times because I so teary eyed I couldn't see the words anymore. The emotional pain and trauma the heroine/hero are dealing with [the death of her husband and his best friend] was just staggering and so well written. Damn. I'm getting all teared up again just thinking about them. Fantastic books/series/authors.


So what's the last one that had you bawling?!


  1. I haven't read any of these.. wow. def need to though! Adding to my TBR list :)

    My DLS

    Ana♥ @ Beach Bum Reads

    1. Ack! Haven't read KMM's highlanders?! They're incredible :) Definitely need to read them!

  2. KMM's Immortal Highlander totally made me cry.

  3. I've heard a lot about Karen Marie Moning's books, but I've yet to read them! >.< Def on my list though :) Great pics :D

    My DLS I hope you have a great day!

    Neyra @DarkestAddictions

  4. Haven't read these. Mine is Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend.

    1. Hm. Haven't heard of that one but intriguing title. Gonna go look that one up now :)

  5. AnonymousJuly 05, 2012

    Loved the ending of Immortal Highlander. Adam Black. Oh, yes that was a a definite HEA kind of cry.

    My DLS

    1. He really surprised the hell out of me. Took me months after finishing the one before to finally pick up his book. Just wasn't a fan of his but damn if he didn't just floor me.

  6. I remember reading Immortal Highlander and really liking it but I cannot for the life of me remember the ending.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. Gah was wonderful. One of my favorite endings in a while.

  7. I haven't read any of Robyn Carr's books **ducks for cover** but I do love KMM. Here is my DLS:

    1. Ha. I was ducking and covering till just about a month ago. They're so freaking good though I'm hooked. Every single one's had me in tears at some point. Amazing writing.

  8. Immortal Highlander is the only book of that series I havent read. It's on my TBR, but for some reason I never got to it. :/ Guess I should get on it.

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

    1. Oh yeah! Adam Black was fantastic! I really wasn't looking all that forward to his book but it blew me away. Can't believe how long I put it off!

  9. I love the Immortal Highlander. I love her Fever series but I wish she'd go back and write more about these hot and sexy highlanders!

    My DLS

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

    1. Oh same here. I only have one book left and I'm so not ready for them to end! Would love a couple more!

  10. I love everything Highland so I might give Moning a try...

    1. Oh you so should. I think they're my favorite highlanders :)

  11. you know I haven't read KMM"s Highlander series just her Fever Series but I have ready to start as soon as I can,,thanks for sharing


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