Sunday, October 14, 2012

A virgin werewolf Private Detective oh my!...Lost by Pandora Richardson

Lost (Amelia Jones Private Detective #1) by Pandora Richardson

Amelia Jones is a 25 year-old virgin, werewolf and Private Detective who is prone to make rash decisions. Amelia has been lying to her parents about her finances and now has a mountain of bills and is facing eviction.After a chance encounter with a wealthy heiress, Amelia is hired to go undercover to catch her client's attractive, much younger husband cheating. Unfortunately, being a virgin with primal passions on a mission to seduce a man isn't necessarily the best way to maintain emotional stability and Amelia must remain in control. Amelia has to decide whether the allure of money and risking her secrets is better than asking her parents for help.

Type: Lite Paranormal/Mystery, Werewolves, 1st person
Heat: 1 out of 5
Rating: 3.5 out of 5

I saw "virgin werewolf Private Detective" and knew I had to read this one. I love a good mystery especially when there's some paranormal thrown into the mix and Lost just sounded like a fun story. And it turned out to be a very entertaining read :)

I really liked the main character, Amelia, who is struggling to find a bit of independence from her dads (yep you read that right. Amelia has two dads) and to keep her wolfie side in check. The story is told from her point of view and the whole time I was listening to her talk it felt just like I was listening to one of my girlfriends telling a story over drinks. I was comfortable with her right from the start and really sympathized with her emotional turmoil and all the ups and downs she went through.

The story was very easy for me to get into and flowed nicely despite a couple editing blips along the way. There's a lot going on to keep things interesting as Amelia takes on the case of investigating a cheating husband even though things to her. It was kinda fun going along on the ride with her and knowing something just wasn't right but not being able to quite put your finger on it. And this case definitely pushes Amelia in all parts of her life. Upsetting her home life with her parents, sparking strange reactions and lusts inside of her she doesn't understand, etc.

The ending was pretty interesting and turned a lot darker than I expected which might be hard for some women to get through [highlight for spoiler: there's an attempted rape]. Things end with a lot of questions still left up in the air and not quite explained. It's got me really curious to see where book two will take things and what answers will be uncovered. I'm really hoping her backstory will be fleshed out a bit more as well. I'd love to know more about how her family came to be. If you like mysteries with a little paranormal in the mix this one's a fun little read to check out.

*A copy of Lost was provided for an honest opinion.

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Do you like ones like this where you're trying to figure out what's going on right along with the main character?

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  1. It does sound different! :-)

    1. It so was. But in a good way :) Was a fun way to spend an afternoon.


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