Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cat Thursday... Halloween & traveling kittehs.

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates the wonders and sometime hilarity of cats! 

Join us by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). It's all for the love of cats! Enjoy! 

Since it's almost Halloween...a painted kitteh.
I actually think this is pretty cool.
My herd so wouldn't stay still long enough for anything like this.

Would yall paint your herds? With kitteh safe paint of course...

~~Featured Felines~~
[Want to show off your felines? Email and tell us about them!]

This week we have TWO featured felines...
Sunnie and Bowie who call Susan from Travel Bug mom.
Sunnie in action!

According to their mamma, Sunnie is a total ham and acts like a dog most of the time. Except when he's on the hunt and then he's purely feline. And Bowie is their OCD kitty.


Sunnie and his buddy, Bowie, were found on craigslist in Carson City, Nevada. The little girl in their previous home developed an allergy to cats and they had to find a new family which Susan said was bad for the family but wonderful for them.
What u mean, this isn't my blanket?
Bowie's favorite position. Isn't he the cutest?!

Something pretty neat about the boys is that their family lives in an RV full time as they travel around the country working. The boys are excellent travelers though and enjoy it :) Their family feels very blessed to have these two darlin boys in their lives. 

Aren't they handsome?!

(yall let me know if a pic isn't showing up. Bloggers being all wonky for me  at the moment. Thanks :) )


  1. Thanks for posting the pics of our kitties. I could only see the one with Sunnie and the book. The others just showed a small square with the image number in them.

    Hopefully they showed up for other readers.

    1. Oh grrr. I don't know why it keeps doing that lately. I just went in and played around with em so hopefully the photos are showing up now. They're too cute for everyone to miss out on!

      Thanks so much for sharing them with us Susan. I loved getting to hear about them :)

  2. The painted kitten is scary! LOL

    I love all the other pics!

    1. Really kinda creepy in a neat way. Would totally freak me out if I saw a kitty like that outside at night! LOL.

    2. The pictures are there now!

      If you want to see lots of painted cats, check out the book "Why Paint Cats." It has lots of painted felines. The price to have a cat painted like that ranges from $10,000 up, if I remember the book correctly. It's been over a year since I read it.

    3. Ahhh glad you can see them now :) You know, I think I've seen that book. Would love to have that kind of cash sitting around for something so odd. Have you seen the dog ones? Those are pretty amazing too!

  3. My herd would take my face off before letting me paint them!

  4. That is pretty cool. But, I don't think I would ever paint an animal, it's so easy to photoshop or such now days. You can get cool effects such as coloured fur and that without poor kitty suffering.

    1. I know a couple kitties that really wouldn't mind and would enjoy the extra attention but I think I'm with you on the photoshop route.

  5. I am with you, Kate Campbell. I will just let myself think that is photoshopped on skeletor kitty! ;-)
    Love the kittie pics!!

  6. That painted cat is so cool! But I know my cats wouldn't stand for it.

    What an awesome cat family! That would be so cool to travel like that, with cats in tow. They are lucky to have found a good family. My Alice was a Craigslist kitty. =O)

    1. Oh yeah mine would throw a fit if I ever tried. We've had a couple through the rescue who would have loved it though :)


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