Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Razing Kayne (Walking a Thin Blue Line #1) by Julieanne Reeves + Giveaway

For two years, State Trooper Kayne Dobrescu has wanted only one thing: to understand why his wife inexplicably killed their children and then herself. Memories haunt his days and lay siege to his nights, leaving him questioning his reasons for living.

Jessica Hallstatt became a widow and single mother the night her firefighter husband died in a fiery explosion at an accident scene. While her husband may have died a hero, he left Jessica with deep emotional scars that haven't begun to heal. 

When Kayne accepted a transfer to the mountain town of Payson, Arizona, he never expected to meet anyone like Jessica. From the moment he pulled her over for speeding, he was drawn in by her whiskey colored eyes and sassy dimple. But she and her children are a forever type package, and he's vowed never to give anyone the power to destroy him again. Yet fate has other ideas, throwing Kayne and Jessica together in a fight against an unknown enemy to save the life of a child—and hopefully one another.

Type: Romantic Suspense
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

One little bit of advice. Make sure you have a few free hours to spend reading before picking this one up because once you start it's nearly impossible to pull yourself away from Razing Kayne. With intriguing characters that will easily find a spot in your heart, mystery and suspense that'll have both your pulse and mind whirling and a beautiful second chance for two very deserving individuals this was one of those stories that had me quickly turning the pages and left me one very satisfied reader.

Jess and Kayne. I loved these two right from the start. They've each been through unimaginable pain and while their stories aren't always easy to read the experience of watching them go from too afraid to risk their hearts to slowly healing their old wounds and finding what they needed was just wonderful. I really liked them as individuals too. They're strong and funny, sweet and vulnerable and just people you want to root for. Now, they did drive me crazy a time or two but really that made them feel all the more real and believable in the end.

There's a pretty equal mix of suspense and romance and damn the suspense part of the book was a real ride. There are so many twists and turns along the way, surprise betrayals and paths crossing that you really don't always see it coming. The turn of events and how it all played out really was interesting and holy hell there are some moments that'll damn near stop your heart and have you holding your breath. Love when an author gets an actual physical response out of me like that. 

The romance really wasn't just about Kayne and Jess but about an entire family which was a little different from the norm but totally worked. There's very little that will have me melting quicker than a man who is good with kids and Kayne. Whew. The man is sexy-as-hell in those unguarded moments he spends with Jess's kids. Fixing breakfast with them, playing in the snow, just being there for them. Gah. So. Damn. Good. I really loved all of those family moments that snuck up on them without them realizing. They may have found each other in an unconventional way but this pieced together family warmed my heart and just made me smile. And on the sexy front? Yeah it's really damn good too. 
"I don't know why you bothered coming up the hill, you know I'm going to win," Kayne taunted.

"Uh, probably because you threw me over your shoulder and dragged me, kicking and screaming, like some Neanderthal." She huffed. She still couldn't believe he'd done that. Acted as if she weighed nothing.

"Trust me, short stuff, if I'd gone caveman, we wouldn't be standing on a hill talking. You'd be naked in my bed."

Jess gasped as an illicit shiver snaked down her spine.

"And I've yet to make you scream," he tacked on.
There was one thing that bothered me a little with the ending which was one of my only real complaints. Without spoiling too much, for me at least, if felt like what had been a very unique and original couple/story was forced into that "perfect" cookie cutter happily ever after. It didn't detract from the rest of the story exactly but definitely got an "aw, really?!" outta me.

If you enjoy an intense read with richly developed characters you'll be hard pressed not to fall in love with and a storyline that will keep you guessing and on your toes then Razing Kayne is one you need to pick up. I loved getting lost in Kayne and Jess's world and really cannot wait to read the next addition to the Walking a Thin Blue Line series. 

Get Your Copy
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Julieanne's offering two fabulous giveaways today! Thanks Julieanne!

Fill out the rafflecopter and leave some love to enter :) 
Then hop over to our interview with Julieanne for extra entries!


  1. This is HEAVY DUTY emotional material. How did you "go there?" I know there have been occasions when I've written something emotional and just been wrecked by it for a little while, but nothing like this!

    Thank you for doing the interview and the giveaway. I'm not usually much of a contemp suspense reader, but I'm fascinated by this story!

    hafowler at gmail dot com

  2. It's been a while (actually I can't remember the last time it's been so long)since I had as strong a reaction to a book as you did. makes me want to read Razing Kayne to see if it affects me as much.

    1. It amazes me when it happens but whew yeah. It's so damn good when it does. Hope you'll let us know what you think once you read it!


  3. This sounds awesome! I love a story where damaged people find their way to each other. You write a review the way I do and I also go with the feelings that a book can invoke in me.


    1. Aren't those the best storylines? Gah always gets me when you can first start to see them healing (before they even realize it). Goodness just love that. Yeah I try to go with the feelings they bring out. I try not to spoil too many plot points since I think everyone should get to experience that on their own, ya know?

      Do you have a blog CBarton? Would love to check it out if you do :)

  4. I loved the characters, and I was totally surprised with directions the book took (I won't spoil it, but.. Gracie ;)) and it not only kept me on my toes, but also was full of romance. Great read!

  5. Congratulations on your book. It looks amazing. Just wondering, if there's going to be a sequel or will there be a series, once this one is finished.

    1. Nice Review. Definitely going on my TBR List.

    2. Thanks Diva! Not sure if Julieanne will spot this over here but she's working on book 2 right now! It'll be out this next year :) There's a very good teaser at the end of Razing Kayne to set it up and get you all curious :)

      Hope you enjoy the book!


  6. Congrats on new release, sounds really good and will be going on wishlist!

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  7. This has been on my wishlist for awhile. Can't wait to read this!

  8. This sounds like such an emotional ride! I love a book that pulls you in and doesn't let up!

    1. It's a wonderful feeling isn't it? It's definitely an emotional ride and I think will hit people all sorts of ways depending on your own experiences. Hope you enjoy it!

  9. Sounds like a very intriguing book. I want to read it to see how each of them overcome their pasts to be together! :)

  10. Ohhh My, looks like a good one. I'm putting it on my TBR list. Thanks for sharing. kim starsia_70@yahoo.com

  11. Wow, Razing Cane looks good and I'm totally loving the cover.

  12. The cover is amazing. I'm looking forward to this one. It sounds intense but with a good payoff even if the ending is a bit cookie cutter. Thanks for the review.

    1. Oh yeah definitely a good one :) Just one of my personal little grrr args ;)

      Hope you enjoy it Jessi!

  13. This sounds like a really good story. I have never read a story where a person's spouse had killed their children and then committed suicide. I am sure that that would be very difficult to write. This book is definitely going on my TBR list.

    1. I'd never read anything like it either June. It was really interesting in a horrific kind of way if that makes sense. You just wanted to wrap this man in a hug and comfort him. Can't imagine going through anything so terrible and having to keep going every day.

  14. Great review, Anna! Eeeeek. I love a man who is good with kids... *sigh* It's definitely been a while since I've read a book with that kind of relationship in it. This book sounds great, definitely adding it to my TBR list ^_^


    1. Thanks Ana :) The whole good with kids/loves animals thing gets. me. every. time. Nothing sexier in books/real life. :)

  15. Thank you for the review! Sounds like a great read. I enjoy reading books about hero/heroine having a troubled/tortured past & working though the emotions. Looking forward to reading this.

  16. I wanted to read this before I read the review! LOL Now it's moved to the #1 spot and it's blinking at me...buy me...buy me...buy me!!


    1. LOL. Thanks Chris! That buy me...buy me...buy me gets me all the time too! Hope you enjoy Razing Kayne!

  17. What a great interview & a super review. I normally try to steer clear of books/movies that I "know" will make me cry, but occasionally, I have to brave the kleenex for a truly amazing book. I believe that this maybe one of those books. Nice job, I say, nice job.

    1. Thanks Judy-Ree! LOL I'm the same way. But sometimes it's definitely worth it!

      Happy Reading!

  18. Great review...gave a nice overview, just enough that I'm intrigued! Loved the equal parts romance and suspense...this sounds like a great read!

    1. Thanks PC :) It really was a great mix of the two. Just how I like it! Hope you enjoy!

  19. Great review! My friends recommend this too and now I really can't wait to read it! I agree with you that there's nothing sexier than a man who's good with kids :)


    1. Kids, pets and cooking. Those three things have me melting so darn quickly. Whew. Hope you enjoy Tess!

      Good luck!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This sounds like an amazing read and I loved your review! I love romantic suspens and I love that it revolves around a family. Cannot wait to read this

    Jolene A

  22. PRETTY MAN! would LOVE to win & read! PICK ME
    I could NOT fill out all the rafflecopters --- thingys --- bled into comments


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