Friday, November 2, 2012

Trouble at the Hotel Baba Ghanoush by T.C. Archer + giveaway

Enforcer Fontana Marks is on vacation undercover until she has to testify against the Track Cartel for crimes against the Galactic Coalition. But the cartel is hiding something, and Fontana intends to find out what--then make them pay for murdering Jenny, the young scientist Fontana failed to protect on a previous assignment.

The last thing Fontana intends to do while vacationing incognito on the fantasy resort Sagitariun is follow the advice of her superior. “Rest, recuperate, and find a man.”

But how can a woman resist a blond, blue-eyed, chisel-jawed, great-assed man streaking naked in public when he's obviously running from someone? And why can't she to get rid of the damned trench coat she stole to rescue him?

Type: Erotic Sci-fi
Published: Loose Id, ebook, 125pages
Heat: 4 out of 5
Rating: 5 out of 5

You just know you're in for a fun steamy read when it all starts with a nekkid man, with buns of steel, streaking through a bar. <g> I had the best time reading Trouble at the Hotel Baba Ghanoush. It's a quick read full of non-stop action, streaking, make-you-pant sexy scenes, more streaking and just some damn good creative fun with very likable characters.

He shot past where Fontana sat at the bar, his muscular ass bunching with the effort of his long strides.  
Her pulse jumped. If that's trouble, I want some.  
The naked man disappeared through the kitchen doors. A collision of bodies sounded.  
Fontana straightened. How was a woman to mind her own business when a nude man was in trouble? She shoved off the corner stool and dashed after the naked man...
Really, can ya blame the girl for dashing after him? Fontana and Brent were really fun characters to get to know especially with the setting being at a futuristic fantasy resort. Reality and fantasy kinda mix together which would be a total mind trip to actually go through not knowing quite what was real but it's hella fun to watch as these two try to figure everything out, while having really hot sex at every possible turn, of course ;) I really enjoyed all of the interactions between them in and out of the sheets. They worked well together and had me believing the attraction and relationship were real.

So, these sex scenes. Daaaammn. They're flipping hot and so creative. Okay, some of it was a little out there but it's really nicely done and will have you squirming. [there's this scene at a Roman baths fantasy that's quite possibly one of my favorite sex scenes ever- it's an out of body kinda thing and] I love when authors do something a little out of the ordinary and T.C. Archer definitely gave me something new which was awesome. 

T.C. Archer totally has a new fan. I loved the science fiction erotica mix they created and can't wait to read more from this writing team. They definitely had me all hot and bothered and totally into the little fantasy world they created. Damn good time and one I'd recommend to anyone who likes an adventurous steamy read.

Get Your Copy!

T. C. Archer is comprised of award winning authors Evan Trevane and Shawn M. Casey. They live in the Northeast. Evan has a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, and Shawn is a small business owner. Their collaboration began on a lark with the post WWII film noir story The Pickle My Little Friend, and has evolved into nearly a dozen works, which includes their new series The Phenom League, and Daphne Du Maurier winner the romantic thriller For His Eyes Only.

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T.C. Archer's got an awesome giveaway for yall. 
Just fill out the rafflecopter and leave them some book love :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Check out the rest of the tour...
Nov. 1st- I am, Indeed (Review/Giveaway)
Nov. 2nd- Herding Cats & Burning Soup (Review/Giveaway)
Nov. 3rd- For The Love Of Film And Novels (Review/Giveaway)
Nov. 4th- Sweet n' Sassi (Review/Giveaway)
Nov. 5th- Queen of the Night Reviews (Review/Giveaway)


  1. I love the title, I know what Baba Ghanoush is, but it's just a fun word to say.

    1. I loved saying it too! LOL. It's an all around fun one Anne :)

  2. Sounds like another awesome read from the duo TC Archer!!

    1. It was pretty darn great. Definitely has me interested in checking out more of their books!

  3. I love a strong heroine and a naked man :)

  4. The title is amazing. And anything described by a reader as sex scenes daaammmm makes me want to read.:)

    smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

  5. Thanks so much for giving us this chance... I loveeee TC Archer books, and this sounds like another awesome one to check out... what I love is that every time I get one of these, I'm NEVER disappointed :)

    1. Oh that's good to hear. This was my first and I'm really looking forward to others. Glad to hear they're all so good :)

  6. This book sounds like so much fun! I need to read this Roman baths sex scene immediately. :)

  7. This sounds like a really interesting book and I jet love the title!


    1. Isn't that a fun title? There's an eggplant in the hotel lobby which I thought was pretty blasted funny :)

      Good luck Emily!


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