Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cat Thursday! Kitteh and the lights...

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates the wonders and sometime hilarity of cats! 

Join us by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). It's all for the love of cats! Enjoy! 

Love kitties and Christmas tree lights :) These are some of my favorites I've found online...

Yeah. I so couldn't help myself. LOL

Do your herds like playing in the lights too?


  1. the first one is magical

  2. Those are so cute. Mine go more after the tree and ornaments. LOL.
    Sue B

    1. LOL. They're so *cute* at Christmas ;) Mine thankfully leave them alone too :)

  3. Sighhhh.....I wish we could decorate but Emory would destroy it all. You're always posting the cutest pics!

    1. I have so much fun tracking them down! Glad you enjoyed em Leah and oh I feel your pain about Emory. Mine aren't too bad but we always have quite a few catastrophes with the pup who is 140 pounds and never outgrew the gawky teen phase. LOL.

  4. *lol* These are great! I used to have a cat who chewed on the bulbs. I was afraid she would end up like the cat in Christmas Vacation! Purrl was even fluffy & white!

    1. LOL. Oh that would be a sight! I'm so glad I don't have light chewers. I do have some squirrels or birds that go at the outdoor lights. Oy. Had to replace 2 strands so far!

  5. Oh they're so cute! I tried linking a video of my old cat with lights all over him but for some reason it won't load it. He was definitely a festive cat! lol Although when we plugged the lighths in to take the picture he flipped out with all the color around him and ran in circles lol he was purring the whole time!

    1. Od I love the lights on the first one! I want to know where I can get a string of lights that look like that lol

  6. Wow, they are really gorgeous. I sort of avoid the lights because I worry about fire hazards, but they do create lovely effects.

  7. Lol, thanks for the fun pics!

  8. These are so great! That first one is especially gorgeous.


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