Saturday, December 22, 2012

How to Marry a Duke (How To #1) by Vicky Dreiling

Tristan, the Duke of Shelbourne is a man with a mission: find a wife he can tolerate as long as they both shall live. Love is not necessary--nor desired. But how to choose among a dizzying array of wealthy-yet-witless candidates? Hire London's infamously prim and proper matchmaker. Then pretend she's not the most captivating woman he's ever met...

Helping a devilish Duke create a contest to pick his perfect mate is the kind of challenge Tessa Mansfield relishes. Her methods may be scandalous, but she's determined to find the notorious bachelor more than a wife--she'll bring him true love. Yet when Tessa watches the women vie for the Duke's affections, she longs to win his heart herself. And after a stolen kiss confirms Tristan's desire, Tessa knows she has broken a matchmaker's number one rule: never fall in love with the groom.

Type: Historical Romance, London
Heat: 3 out of 5 (but there's not much)
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

With some authors it takes me a little while to warm up to them but with Vicky Dreiling... I was instantly and undeniably smitten with her writing from the very startHow to Marry a Duke was an incredibly fun, sweet read with a delightful cast. It didn't have the steamy factor I usually go for but, seriously, I hardly even realized it I was so taken up by the characters and the entertaining story.

So the tale is pretty fun and really not one I'd ever imagine reading in a historical which made it even better. If you've seen the Bachelor reality series take that and set it to Regency England with a notorious Duke who is determined to find a wife, regardless of love, and a matchmaker, set on finding him a love match even if she has to "trick" him into courting 24 eligible young Misses. All while trying not to lose her own heart.

As you can imagine it's quite the story and has a great deal of humor as Tristan interviews and tests the young women to see who he thinks would be the best wife for a Duke. More than once I found myself on the verge of tears from laughing so hard. Some of the situations and just the reactions of the different characters were what really did it for me.

Tristan and Tessa were just fantastic together. They've got that banter and wit going on between them that'll keep you smiling and on your toes. They're such the perfect match for each other in some ways even if she's not the "proper" marriage material for a Duke. I liked that while most of the story was pretty light hearted both Tristan and Tessa had pasts they were trying to overcome and that shaped who they were which gave them a nice depth.
"Tess, we've no time to argue now."
She inhaled sharply. "I am deeply sorry for seducing you. It did not occur to me you would become so distraught."
"What?" Had she forgotten to pack her brains?
"You must not worry, for I will still respect you tomorrow." She paused. "But.."
Tristan gaped at her. He must have pleasured her senseless.
A knock sounded at the door. They both turned to stare at it. Then she glanced at him and said in a rush, "I hope you will forgive me, but I cannot make an honest man out of you."
The ending was one of my favorite ever endings. One of those ones that makes you suck in your breath just a little with a huge grin on your face. It was just lovely and so nicely done and one of the sweetest "declarations" I've come across. One that makes you wish, just a little, you could find your own personal hero who would do something so incredibly perfect.

If you're a fan of romances with humor, and heart, that may be a little quirky from time to time this one's for you.

Get Your Copy

Vicky Dreiling is a confirmed historical romance junkie and Anglophile. Frequent business trips to the UK allowed her to indulge her passion for all things Regency England. Bath, Stonehenge, and Spencer House are among her favorite places. She is, however, truly sorry for accidentally setting off a security alarm in Windsor Castle. That unfortunate incident led her British colleagues to nickname her “Trouble.” When she’s not writing, Vicky enjoys reading, films, concerts, and most of all, long lunches with friends. A native Texan, she holds degrees in English literature and marketing.  

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Have you read Vicky? What did you think? 
Do you like books like this one?


  1. I love Vicky's books! I love to be left with a grin.

    1. Just one of the best feeling when you finish a book :) So glad you love her books too!

    2. Thank you, Anna. xoxoxo

      A Man Candy Fan LOL

    3. LOL love your new tag line ;) And you're very welcome! It's so fun to write up reviews for the books you loved!


  2. I read all 3 books and loved them all!

    1. Woohoo!! Yay! Are you excited about the next series?!

  3. I have not read any of her books, yet, but they're on my list to buy. You really make me want to read this one!

    1. Oh yay :) You definitely should it was such a good time!

      Happy Reading!

  4. I read How to Marry a Duke so far...I loved it! Looking forward to reading the rest once I can get them. Used up my honey please book wishes already this Christmas lol The review was great! Keep on writing for us Vicky! Love them :-)

    1. LOL love the honey please list! Good luck with the giveaway Penni! So glad you enjoyed this one too!

  5. I haven't read this author before so am excited to get started on her books. What's a girl to do so many new books /authors and too little time for them all ;)
    I'll eventually get through them. Lol
    Happy Holiday

    1. LOL I have that same problem Lori!! My tbr list is enough to keep me reading for like 3 years if absolutely no more are added to it in the mean time!

  6. I love love love this book, I will always read Vicky's books :)

    1. Me too!! She's great isn't she :) Glad you enjoyed it!

  7. I just read this book not too long ago (My review is slated to go live later this month), and I agree, it has some really funny moments in it and that's what really made me love this book. I need to get the rest of the books as soon as my book budget recovers.

    Breath of Life Reviews

    1. Aw yay!! So glad yall are all enjoying it too! Hope you have a great time with the rest of the series :) Totally get ya on the book budget. Mine's feeling a bit exhausted too!

      Happy Reading!

  8. I enjoy a book that has great banter between the hero and heroine. Some funny remarks back and forth. Something to make me smile or giggle. I haven't read any of Vicky's books, but I've been following her newsletter for almost a year now. I'd love to read this book.

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    1. I followed her a while before reading her too. She's such a sweetheart and a great lady. Yep. Love that banter. These two made me smirk and snort a good bit.

      Happy Reading!

  9. I enjoyed this review, must read this book!!

  10. i haven't read any yet but i'm planning too. this one seems so funny and i like the idea of the matchmaker ^^

    thank you anna for this new addition to my wishlist^^

    1. LOL you're welcome :) I really liked the matchmaker part of it too. It was a great dynamic to add to the story and I loved that she was young (compared to the matchmakers you usually see pop up in books) and independent. Was a great time!

  11. Thanks for the review; I enjoy books with humor too!

    1. Thanks books4me :) It can really make a book memorable can't it?

  12. I've read several of Vicky's books and she is a fabulous author! Her books are witty, romantic, and heartwarming!

    1. A fabulous combo indeed :) She always leaves me smiling and content :) Can't ask for more than that!

  13. I have to admit that as much as I love all the leading characters in this series, I love me some Aunt Hester! That lady simply cracks me up! You just never know what she's gonna spring on you.

    1. LOL yup! I love when a secondary character really grabs you like that! Such a hoot!

  14. What a great review, and I for one like books without all those hot love scenes. So this author is now high on my wishlist!

    1. Ooo I hope you love her Aurian! She's a wonderfully sweet author as well. I love when the author behind the books is as delightful :)

  15. I like Vicky's books, historical romance are always a great read and among my favorites.

    1. I'm so glad I gave them a try Barbara! I hadn't read many until this year.

  16. Hi Vicky! I have several of your books and I love them! I can't wait to read your next one. Merry Christmas!

  17. Love Vicky's books and highly recommend them to anyone who loves humor, heart, emotion, and a wonderful happily ever after!

  18. I have not yet read this book but its on my wishlist and oh I love historical romances like this <3 wonderful

  19. Haven´t read anyone, yet, but i´ve got them all on my TBR list, =) can´t wait for my chance to read.

    Happy New Year!

  20. I haven't read any of Vicky Dreiling's books yet but she and her How To series have been on my radar. Now I know it's time to get them off my radar and into my hands and soon!!!

    1. She's pretty awesome. If you're like me you'll want to jump into book 2 as soon as you finish :)

  21. Love that last line. Now it's definitely going on the TBR pile.Can't wait to read it.

  22. Thanks for the review. While not my usual genre Im glad I have this on my TBR.

  23. Vicky's a new author for me, I can't wait to read this book, I love the cover!

  24. I have read her books and love them! Now the excerpt had me laughing! This will be on my TBR list. Thanks!

  25. I loved your comments on Vicky and her books! I love her books and I love that ALL her characters are developed so wonderfully that you keep hoping that all her secondary characters will also end up with their own stories!


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