Thursday, December 27, 2012

Make Me, Sir (Masters of the Shadowlands #5) by Cherise Sinclair

Her job is to make his life miserable. His job is to make her submit. Whose heart will surrender first?

Across the country, rebellious BDSM submissives are being systematically kidnapped, one from each club. When her friend falls prey to the slavers, FBI victim specialist Gabrielle volunteers to be bait in a club not yet hit: the Shadowlands.

She finds that being a bratty sub comes naturally, especially when she gets to twit the appallingly conservative Master of the trainees. But she soon discovers he's not as stuffy as she'd thought. Or as mean. She'd expected punishment, even humiliation, but she sure never expected to fall in love with a damned lawyer.

Courtesy of a prima donna ex-wife, Marcus loathes disobedient submissives. When the club owner insists he admit an incredibly bratty trainee, he's furious. But as he comes to know Gabrielle and sees the alluring sweetness beneath the sass, he starts to fall for her.

Unfortunately, Marcus isn't the only one who believes the feisty redhead is a prize worth capturing. And in the world of the slaver, such treasure is worth a hefty fee.

Type: Erotica, BDSM
Heat: 5 out of 5
Rating: 5 out of 5

Oh damn this book was scorching hot! It had been a while since I'd spent time in the Shadowlands and Make Me, Sir definitely reminded me why I love this series. With the pairing of a Dom who has a thing about disobedient subs and an undercover agent who has to act the part of a very bratty submissive assigned to said Dom you just know you're in for one hell of a ride.

Sinclair really never fails to entertain. I don't know how she does it again and again but every single time I'm just floored. This time around in addition to the amazing relationship that builds there's a hefty plot of "difficult" submissives disappearing from local BDSM clubs and the hunt for those responsible. And gotta say, even though it's a bit dark, I really liked the additional storyline and can't wait to see how it ends.

The characters were fabulous as well. Okay, okay, I'll admit it, I had a little trouble loving Gabi all the time but she did win me over. The girl's really good at acting the part of the sassy sub and can be a bit over the top out of necessity which drove me as crazy as it did Marcus. Now I did really like her honest bratty behavior when she wasn't playing it up. She has some real spit and fire in her and isn't easily pushed over which I can definitely appreciate in my subbies :) The ploy was hard on her and she just wouldn't give up and went through a hell of a lot trying to save her friend and the other missing subs. Gotta respect the hell outta that, right?
He studied her face. "You have a safe word, Gabrielle. You could use it about now." 
He'd like that, wouldn't he? "No," she gritted out. 
His eyes hardened, and he tugged on one clamp. "No, what?" 
"No, Sir." Damn you to hell and back. She glared at him. 
"I can smell your arousal, sugar," he said softly. "Do not continue to sass me, or I will bend you over a bar stool and take you right now so everyone else can see how excited you are." 
She took a step back. He wouldn't. 
But from the unyielding look in his eyes, she knew he would.
Master Marcus. Oh. My. Okay, I'm not usually one for suits but...yum. I could definitely make an exception where he's concerned <g>  Gah, Sinclair just writes the best Doms. He's in control and observant and just sex on legs. And the chemistry between them was excellent.

Really, I just love the way Sinclair writes. You get a nice glimpse into the world of BDSM in a way that's really not overwhelming if you're just trying out the genre. You find out about different types of relationships, types of Doms, the rules, expectations and interactions between couples without getting it all listed out for you in a dull contract that explains it all point by agonizing point. Instead it's all incorporated into the actual scenes and communications so it feels natural and interesting. And often you're learning right along with the subs about the life which I think is an excellent way to go about it.

And you never know what you'll learn from Cherise either! She always adds something in that I've never heard of or even contemplated. This time it was figging. Now, this is *SO* not something I actually want to try in real life but utterly fascinating to read about and swear I'll never look at a piece of ginger the same way again!

I really love that the Doms do mess up from time to time no matter how experienced they are. Marcus had a doosie he had to fix up and, well, the others have little blips along the way too even after getting their happily ever afters. To me it makes them all seem more real and that to me is always a plus when I'm reading.

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  1. ^^ Thank you a lot for this review Anna, it helps me to see that there is real plot behind the story and the fact you said it accessible to new readers is definitively a plus

    1. oh is it important to read them ion order of they work as stand alone? ( that the level goes up in each book?)

    2. Hmmm. It's been about 3 years since I read the first one. I think they can all be done as stand alones but they're great as a set. The plots are different in each. There isn't always a plot like in this one where there are actual bad guys/issues to deal with but the emotional level and personal issues they work through are great in each.

      And the characters in each are connected. So you see the couples over and over for little cameos in the later books after they find their happily ever afters and you see the future heroes/heroines in the books before theirs if that makes sense.

  2. Love the sound of this one! Gonna have to get my hands on it soon :)
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. Ohhh yes yes yes! They are SO good if you like steamy reads but real connections :) And her other series Mountain Masters is fabulous too! One of my top 2012 reads was the newest My Liege of Dark Haven. OMG!

  3. Interesting plot, though not my cup of tea.

    1. It really is an interesting one but I get it's not everyone's thing. I like trying them all even if it's not my personal lifestyle of choice :)

  4. Oh now this doesn't sound so bad. Maybe it is really time to peek into this genre again and wash away the dirt from the unmentionable series! I'll definitely keep this author in mind next time I go book browsing.

    1. Oh Penni they're great. If you're okay with detailed sex scenes and maybe having your boundaries pushed a little you'll be fine I'm sure. I've never felt pushed too far really. Definitely some things I DONT want to try but all written well and fitting to the characters.

      My absolute favorite was the last from her mountain masters series My Liege of Dark Haven.

      Reviewed it back in early November.

  5. Your review has me wanting to read Make Me, Sir very much. It has a lot of the aspects I enjoy reading in a story. Are the Shadowlands books a must read in order type of series? Or are they more like stand alones?
    Thanks for making my day.

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    1. Hmmm. I don't think they're a *must* read in order but I think it makes them better since you see the same core group of characters throughout the series. Ex- you meet Marcus in the previous books. And the couples in the previous books show up again in the following ones. But they can be read as stand alones too if you don't mind losing a little background on certain characters here and there.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!! I'M SO ON A CHERISE SINCLAIR MISSION.. I WILL READ EACH AND EVERYONE OF HER BOOKS BY MARCH I SWEAR IT!! >.< LOL Great review Anna! I can't wait to sink my teeth into the Shadowlands ;]

    1. Ahhhhhh I can't wait for you to start reading them! I've got a couple to catch up on too this next couple months :)

  7. Great review...just finished Cherise's #3 in this series and loved it and looking forward to the next and this one!
    ivegotmail8889 (at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Oooo that's my FAVORITE of the series PC. I Loved Master Nolan and Beth <3 Have a great time with Master Cullen!

  8. Ok, I am SO done hearing how great Sinclair writes but never read her books. I've had enough and am going to amazon to purchase the first book in the Shadowland series! Thanks for a great review!

  9. I'm a little iffy about BDSM books but I just might give this one a try. Thanks for the reviews.

    Breath of Life Reviews

    1. No problem :) The series is definitely one I'd recommend if you're a little hesitant. It jumps right in but with a lot of heat but they're so well done.

  10. I've read all but the last Masters of the Shadowlands (#6). This one is as good as the others, if not better. LOVED IT, just like all her books. I love that she is able to get real relationships into the BDSM roles and sex scenes.
    You did wonderful with the review, in showing that this a hot story, but that is has more than just sex as well. Great job.

    1. Thanks Vicky!! Isn't she fantastic? I love how she blends it all together too! I haven't read book 6 yet but I will be soon! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy :)

      Happy reading!!

  11. I love all the books in the series! Marcus is just *sigh* amazing. You are making me want to re-read the series :D
    I can't wait for the next book.

    1. Mmmmm they're great re-reads. I think I'm gonna pick up Z's book soon and go back to the start :)

  12. Sounds like this author is worth trying out ;)
    Happy Friday,

  13. "You get a nice glimpse into the world of BDSM in a way that's really not overwhelming if you're just trying out the genre."

    This just sold me on trying it. I just don't think I could get into a "crack the whip.... WhooPOW!" type story with no actual story plot behind it outside of the BDSM. I wrote the Shadowlands series down and will look for them on my next shopping spree. Who knows, I may find that it really isn't what I've thought it would be all along. ;)

    1. You do definitely get a GOOD glimpse Leah with them being in a club setting so it does have an abundance of BDSM and they do get started in that part right quick but still it works. There's a lot of focus on trust and building it between the characters as well which I really liked. Not all of them have as strong of a secondary storyline like this one but they're just as good because the relationships are so developed :)

  14. Thanks for sharing the interesting post ... Seems like an good one to read..

  15. Cherise Sinclair is a Totally Awesome author. Love her books!

  16. I absolutely have to check out Cherise Sinclair's books! Make Me, Sir sounds awesome!!

    Happy New Year & thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  17. I loved this one, =) gave it 4 stars

    Happy New Year!

  18. I haven't read much bdsm so it's good to get a recommendation.

    1. Oh I hope you enjoy em Di! They're great BDSM books to start with :)

  19. I LOVED this book (and the whole series). This series was pretty much the first ones I read in the BDSM genre and started a huge love for these stories :) I can't wait to go back to the Shadowlands again ;)

    1. She's amazing at really hooking people and getting them into BDSM books. I've heard that from so many people :) I'm gonna go back and read the whole series this year too I think!

  20. Cherise Sinclair is a new-to-me author. Thanks for the introduction otherwise I would have been missing out on what sounds like some deliciously captivating reads>

    1. Mmmmhmmmm. They really are! Hope you enjoy getting to meet her Doms and their subbies!

  21. Great review...make me want read this book!!

  22. This sounds like such a fun book. I think if I were going to be a sub, this would be my book. I could just see myself in the heroine's shoes, thanks for the review!

    1. LOL I'd definitely get in trouble like she does. I love the genre but omg I'd make the worst sub! I'd be in trouble all the time ;)

  23. Thanks for the review. I have not read one of her books yet.

  24. Oh awesome review! I totally loved this books too, especially Marcus. And there were quite a few ah, inventive punishments (though the ginger was especially unusual).

  25. Love the review! On my list to read!

  26. Sounds like a great book!

  27. This is my all time favorite book by Cherise Sinclair. I would kill to be Gabby. :)


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