Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shifting Hearts (Wiccan Haus #1) by Dominique Eastwick

The last of his kind…

Rekkus is the last of the great Black Tiger weres and he is happy to stay that way. Working as security for the Wiccan Haus, a magical spa for inner healing, he has enough danger – and women – to keep him busy. Unfortunately, the Fates are not content with him being comfortable.

Alone and discouraged…

Dana has walked away from all she has known, her fiancĂ©, family, apartment, and job. Now, having a ticket to the Wiccan Haus may be the only way she can move on. But what she finds isn’t what she expects, nor is it what she thought she was looking for.

Meet the unusual residents of the Wiccan Haus. The staff can get a little hairy and not all of the guests eat what’s served in the dining hall. But the proprietors always do what they can to make the resort into a place of healing and peace, using all of their years of practice. At the Haus, where humans and Paras reside side-by-side, everyone in need of the Rowan siblings’ services are welcome.


Type: Paranormal Romance, Novella (~50 pgs)

Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5

Oh this one was fun and had me hooked right from the start! I'm not usually one for short stories so you know it's really saying something that I was so won over. 

Dana and Rekkus were awesome characters and pretty damn great together. They've both found themselves, for different reasons at Wiccan Haus which is a retreat for paranormals (and humans) in need of a bit of R&R. Dana's looking for some down time after a broken engagement left her disowned by her family and Rekkus is head of security and quite content to just be left alone to his job. But oh those pesky Fates get involved and everything changes for both of them. And in the most delicious way...

I'm a total sucker for a kitty shifter and *rawr* Rekkus, a black tiger, was one fine hero. He's sexy and a bit fierce. He does that whole growly thing too which oddly really works for me. LOL. I really enjoyed Dana as well. She's one of those heroines you just want to hug. Everything in her life has pretty much fallen apart with one decision and she's having to figure out what to do next while getting absolutely no support from her family.

"Rekkus, there had better be a good reason for you to interrupt my class." 
Dana heard Rekkus growl. She lifted her head to see Trixie pale and take a step back. Grabbing his hand, Dana let him life her up. "Stop growling at people. They'll think you have a bad temper." 
"Umm...this must be the naked man I have heard so much about." 
Rekkus lifted an eyebrow before looking back at Jessie. 
"Pity I missed last night, but he is still quite something, even dressed." 
"Funny, I usually don't get to see him dressed," Dana said. 
"I'm right here ladies." He yanked Dana closer as he started marching off, and as her hand was fully engulfed, she was forced to follow. 
"Wait, you can't just take her with you," Trixie yelled at them. 
"Watch me."
The two together were pretty yummy. I enjoyed all of their interactions (and the steamy bits which were really good). The relationship moves very quickly but it felt right the whole time and was nicely done. The two really fit each other even if she was just a human and he a shifter. I really liked how the Fates played their part as well in pushing these two together.
"Oh my god. You're a tiger. And I don't mean in the grrr you're a tiger in bed, stud way but in the holy shit you're a fucking tiger way."
Usually my complaint with novellas is that they're just not long enough. And you know, that's going to be my only complaint once again. But this time NOT because the story needed more time but because I'm a totally greedy reader and wanted more time with these two characters. I thoroughly enjoyed their journey and everything about them. It was so fun to step into their world and watch the Fates play just a bit with them. I can't wait to check out the rest of the series which looks very interesting and seems to be written by multiple authors. Kinda neat!

Get Your Copy:   Amazon   B&N   All Romance   Smashwords

I am a wife to an amazing husband who allows me to follow my dreams where ever they might take me and mother of two wonderful boys who add joy and humor to my life in so many ways. I am blessed to have two parents who supported and encouraged all my craziness and artistic endeavors.

My dream since I was 14 was to become a published author, now my dream is continue writing and bring the crazy worlds in my head to paper.

As well as writing I love art, historical costumes design, and I consider myself an amateur photographer. All my passions feed a drive in me to create. 

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  1. Oh this sounds like a great story! And for days like today something like this is perfect to disappear into for a short while and forget the cares of the world. Yeah they will still be there when you're done but you had the term of the story to de-stress. Great review as always!

    1. Thanks Penni! Yep the shorter ones are really great for the holiday season I think. When you don't have time to read a ton but still want the impact and escape :) This was a nice little hours downtime :)

      Happy reading!

  2. it sure your recommendation count for me; so i would be happy to discover this short story ( and who know perhaps we will get more of them in the futur)

    1. Yep I always love when they start as a short and then get longer as the series goes. Gives you a nice little taste and something to look forward to :) Not sure how long the others in the series are but if they're as well done as this one I wouldn't even mind them being novellas/shorts :)

  3. Seems like a great read, one that I may have to look into picking up to read (not a fan of shorts either but there is some that suck you in and wow ya... )

    1. I've read a couple shorts/novellas that really got me. Lori Foster is always pretty good and I found JR Wards (the Son I think it was called) was pretty amazing too.

  4. I like short stories if they're done right. Sounds like this one is. Can't wait to read it.

    1. I was pretty impressed. It's a fairly spicy one so moves quick but I never really felt too rushed. I think that having them be soul mates and the Fates playing a part made the quick progression easier to accept, ya know?

  5. New author for me. This book sounds like my kind of book. Can't wait to read it.
    Happy Holidays,

    1. I really liked the setting Lori. Kinda unique. Should be really interesting to see how all of the different authors work with the same world/base characters that work there.

      Merry Christmas!

  6. What a great review: now I totally want to check out this novella and the series!

    1. Aw yay :) Hope you enjoy them. I'm pretty excited about checking out the 2nd book!

  7. Very nice review. I have already decided that I'm going to read this series. And I can't wait to get started.

    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  8. Nice review. This story sounds fun.

  9. I've been curious to read a book about a big cat shifter.

    1. Oh they're the best Di. I've been a total sucker for a kitty shifter since I read Shelly Laurenston's Pride series. Then Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels seires. Then Jennifer Ashely's Shifters Unbound series. LOL. Can ya tell I love me a kitty shifter?!

  10. I would give this one a try. I might come to find I love shifters. :)

  11. Totally understandable. I usually prefer long stories or even series! :) But sounds great!

    1. Oh I love a good series especially when the same characters pop up again and again. Always love that. Some of the novellas/shorts though really surprise and impress me :)

  12. Can't wait to read this big cat shifter!!

  13. Great review, I do hope this is part of a series, as it sounds so very good. And like you, I don't often read any short stories. But with some authors, I just have to read everything they write.

    1. Oh yes I have some authors like that and they really never disappoint :)

  14. Looks good. Another one for the TBR Pile.

  15. This book is already on my TBR List but it's always great to read another review on a book I want to get.

    Breath of Life Reviews

    1. Hope you enjoy it Adria! It's a quick one but really a great time :)

  16. Really good story, love shifter story, add to my TBR list

  17. Great review. I always like it when a story has a satisfying ending but leaves me wanting to read more about the characters. That's the sign of a great story in my opinion.

    1. Definitely agree. I love that feeling when I reach the end of a story :)

  18. Great review...I'm adding this to my must list!

  19. Love this and can´t wait for my chance to read, =)

    Happy New Year!

  20. I can't wait to read this book, I just got Shifting Hearts and it sounds awesome, as does the rest of the series. Thanks for the review!

    1. Oooo happy reading Emily! I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series. It's such a fun concept! Hope you enjoy it!

  21. I've read Dominique Eastwick before and really like her writing. Cat shifters are my favorites, so this story sounds great. Like the reviewer, I'm a fast reader, so I also am always wishing for longer stories, lol.
    Great review!

  22. I have not read her books before but this sounds so good. Cant wait.

  23. I love men who growl, so I do feel you there. Even asked my BFF if it was strange to ask my hubby to growl a little. Lol! Of course, she told me no. Gotta love her! I have missed this particular author but I will be going to amazon and getting some that you showed me. I have to pace myself. Thanks!


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