Sunday, December 16, 2012

Surrender (Mimics of Rune #2) by Aimee Laine

All her life, Lily Crane has suppressed her childhood memories, masking the signs of abuse with a variety of looks. From brunette to blonde, tall to short — as a Mimic, changing shape is her gift. Her right. Her Achilles heel.

It’s Lily’s latest likeness, chosen simply by accident, which threatens to repeat a history she’s desperate to forget. Worse, she must do so without the one man who takes all her pain away: Cael Aldridge.

Cael has no intention of leaving Lily on her own. He never has. Now, with the woman he loves in the hands of a predator who wants Lily for her genetics, Cael will do everything he can to bring her home.


He can only pray he isn’t too late.

Type: Paranormal Romance, Mimics
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5
Part of a series? Yes. Recommend starting with Little White Lies

Now this was an interesting book! I've never really read about Mimics or humans with the ability to shift their appearance (hair color, height, etc) and I found it all fascinating. Especially when characters would change their sex. Now that was interesting! It so messed with my head but I loved it. I found it very refreshing to read a paranormal romance that didn't focus on your typical para-beings but went somewhere new and unique. And did so incredibly well. With a perfectly meshed story of romance and suspense and characters that touched my heart Surrender kept me on my toes from page one and left me eagerly awaiting more from Aimee Laine.

Laine created wonderful characters in Cael and Lily. I adored Cael from the very start. He's such a sweet man, solid and always there for people but in no way a push over. And oh will he melt you on the spot with how madly in love he is with Lily, who he's secretly loved for decades. Ach. I loved how much these two cared and worried over each other. There was an amazing honesty and tenderness to their bond that really touched my heart and made me so damn envious. Lily was a lovely heroine as well even if she was a bit of a giggler. [apparently I have a thing about women who giggle] Lily's working hard to overcome her insecurities and be brave as she faces not only her past and the fact that everything she's always believed may be far from the truth but dangers from a group intent on using her for her unique genetic as well.

The mystery and suspense of the story was just as enjoyable as the romance. I loved trying to figure out what was going on as Lily's chosen appearance leads to a case of a mistaken identity and kidnapping. It was amazing to watch everything line up at exactly the right moment in time to bring her past crashing into her present. There were nice adrenalin rushes and some crazy moments along the way as Lily and her friends fight to to keep her safe and end up uncovering answers that affect them all. It's a fantastic ride that apart from a couple slightly awkward conversation transitions is very well written.

Surrender moves along at a very nice pace with interesting plot twists and revelations that will keep you reading way past your bedtime and will have you pulling for Lily and Cael. There were some storylines left up in the air so I've got my fingers crossed that means we'll get a couple more books out of the series. I'd love to spend more time with all of the different characters and learn more about them. Here's hoping! If you enjoy rock solid romances and intriguing suspense with a touch of paranormal you should definitely check this series out.

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Do you like reading about non traditional "paranormals"?
Have you read Aimee Laine? Have a favorite book/character/quote?


  1. Oh this sounds interesting. Haven't seen books about mimics really. Dfintely sounds like a good change of pace!

    1. It really was. It was such a nice surprise to open the book and find something I'd never seen before. I love my vamps and shifters but it's nice to spark that new little bit of imagination :)

  2. I haven't read anything by Aimee Laine. The book appears to be intriguing though and yes I would be willing to step outside the traditional paranormal box and give it a try. Nalini Singh does a paranormal series that is non traditional. I have read and enjoy them.

    1. Oooo she's one that's on my list for 2013 to check out. Really looking forward to reading more of her (I've read one very short novella of hers and enjoyed it)

  3. I love new and original books, so yes, bring them on. I haven't read anything by this author so far though your review certainly intrigues me.

    1. Me too Aurian! It's so rare to find something like that that you've never seen before. Was a little crazy but I really liked it :)

  4. Oh, wow, I love the idea of a new paranormal storyline! Thanks for a great review; gotta go get the first book now!

    1. Oooo hope you enjoy it! She's got a very nice voice and it was so much fun to learn about a new type of para!

  5. She's new to me. I do enjoy new and unconventional paranormals...

    1. It's always fun to find something fresh and unique or a nice twist on the more common paras isn't it? :)

  6. Do you like reading about non traditional "paranormals"? Yes (like I have said before I am all over the place reader)
    Have you read Aimee Laine? No new to me (like idea the author created)

    Have a favorite book/character/quote? I have MANY ...

    1. I'm pretty all over the place too :) Great to be an equal opportunity reader! Get the best of all the worlds :)

  7. that sounds like it would be kind of fun to be a Mimic!
    I haven't read Aimee's books yet, but I'm always keeping my eye out for different types of stories.

    1. It would definitely be interesting! Everything I've read of hers so far has been fantastic. She wrote one of my all time favorite HEAs too in her book Hide & Seek :)

  8. Do i like to read about non traditional "paranormals" yes i think for example i was delighted with the historical undead from the sentinel of new orleans series by Suzanne Johnson
    I've never heard of this author before though, nor about mimic.

    i think this series needs to be read in order, no?

    1. Hmm yeah I'd say read this one in order. I read book 2 (Surrender) first and there were a couple spots that gave me a little pause that I think would have been easier had I read book one first. But really it was still an excellent read even without :)

      I haven't tried Suzanne Johnson yet but was just reading about the 2nd book in that series yesterday! It's now been added to the TBR pile :) Thanks Miki!

    2. if you want a smal example there is a free short story " chenoire" on her website that is linked to characters from book 2 ( but you don't need to have read the series before so it's a good little treat)

      book 2 is really better than book 1 more funny etc but book 1 is good ( just since it happen during and after the hurricane the tension is high,the emotial too)

    3. Hmmm. Trying to find it but only found a link to another blog that featured the story for a little while at Halloween. I'll definitely be checking her out though :)

  9. I haven't read anything by her but am looking forward to reading them. This interests me in the fact that it's different from anything I've read and sounds like it's going to be something I truly enjoy.

    1. That's what got me about it. I'm reading and that sudden "wow! I've never heard anything like this" hit me. Was pretty neat :)

  10. This is a new author for me and the book sounds very interesting. I do like paranormal but I've read only vampires and shifters. I'm looking forward to checking out the new to me paranormals!

    1. I'll always be a shifter girl at heart I think (and vamps a good second) but I've really been enjoying finding some of the other paras. Witches, mimics, angels/demons. Even the occasional hero/heroine that's a ghost. Kinda neat every once in a while :)

  11. I always like to read any genre, even non traditional "paranormals".
    I haven't read any her books, so looking forward to read her books :)

    1. Me too Filia- It's so fun to see all the different things authors can come up with :)

  12. While I prefer the more traditional paranormal characters, I'm open to any well-written character. I have not read any Aimee Laine's books.

    1. They're my fall backs and what I usually go to also but it's kinda fun to switch it up now and again :)

  13. Sometimes I enjoy reading book with mystery and suspense story

  14. I've never read a non-traditional paranormal but there's a first time for everything right?

    1. Definitely! I've come across a couple now and they're fascinating to me :)

  15. sounds like a great read...I'll check it out!

  16. Loved your review, Aimee Laine is new to me but i read almost anything as long as there´s a HEA in the end, =)

    Happy New Year,

    1. Ahhh me too. I love a HEA no matter the character type :)

  17. Thanks for the review. Sounds really good.

  18. I do like reading nontraditional paranormals. I'm open to most books and I love reading unique ones, just makes me enjoy them more!

  19. I read most any kind of romances...from historicals to paranormal. I haven't read any of her books yet but I will be placing them on my TBR list for the future. Actually, I think now I will make me a list on my ipad so I don't forget.


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