Tuesday, January 22, 2013

If Wishes Were Shadows (The Shadows #1) by A. Sangrey Black +giveaway

Calinda Byer is all assertiveness in her daytime life, but when it comes to the bedroom, she leaves her will at the door with her clothes. Her vampire Dom, Adam Straton, refuses to turn her until she has witnessed the darker side of immortality and the true depths of his sexuality -- including his male vampire lover.  

A weekend at his country estate promises dark, twisted delights the likes of which Calinda could never have imagined. All she has to do is use the safe word, and she can return to the "normal" world alone. But will she?

Type: Paranormal Erotica, Menage (m/m/f), BDSM (pretty hardcore), Vampires
Heat: 4 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5
Info: Cobblestone Press, ebook, less than 50 pages

Over the last couple of years I've read a lot of erotica and my fair share of BDSM novels and I think it's pretty safe to say I've officially found one of my hard limits.  Holy. Cow.  If Wishes Were Shadows holds no punches, literally, from the very beginning. It's a hard and fast vampire BDSM story that, as much as it wigged me out, I honestly couldn't tear my eyes away from it if I'd tried. 

Vampires, menage, BDSM... yes, please! LOL I love all three so was very excited about trying this one. Turns out though I like my BDSM a little more.... mainstream. This was the first time I've read about a sadist/masochist relationship and while the writing was stellar the actual relationship was more than I can handle. I'd put this one in the hardcore BDSM category. There's whips, blood, scary ass cock rings with *eep* teeth and physical violence in this relationship. It is all 100% consensual and there's a bond between all of the characters but I just couldn't relate to any of the three and their desires/needs which was hard for me.

So, while not my particular kink I did think it was well written and would recommend to those who like things a little rougher and are very open minded with their reading. I do believe I'll give Black's more mainstream stories, as FA Fowler, a read though. She's got a great voice and really does put a story together extremely well. This girl is just a little too vanilla for the darker ones ;)

Cost wise I do think the price is a little steep for the number of pages but if you've got the extra cash laying around and are feeling a little daring I'd say go for it. 

*A copy was provided in exchange for an honest opinion

Alexia enjoys the darker side of entertainment, including literature from the classic gothic style to the modern horror novel, erotica and romance that walks in the shadows off the beaten path. She loves horror movies both psychological and gory, and nurses a fascination for and dedication to the rights and practices of alternative lifestyles. What two or more adults do in the privacy of their dungeon is her... rather THEIR business. Vampires are her great fictional (or are they?) love, but all things that hunt the night, human or otherwise, forever capture her imagination and demand that she tell their stories. A denizen of the Adirondack Mountains of New York, there are plenty of legends, ghost stories, and creepy happenings in the deep forests and abandoned caves to keep her writing for the rest of her life.

A. Sangrey Black also writes more mainstream paranormal romance and urban fantasy as H.A. Fowler. She loves to hear from readers of both styles, so feel free to drop her a line or visit her blog or Facebook.

Alright yall there's an awesome giveaway for this one :) Leave a comment and fill out that Rafflecopter!

Tour Schedule:

Dec. 27th- A Diary of a Book Addict (Review/Giveaway)
Dec. 28th- CS Maxwell ~ Where's My Muse? (Spotlight)
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Jan. 1st- Love in a Book (Author Interview/Giveaway)
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Jan. 9th- A Bibliophiles Thoughts on Books (Review/Giveaway)
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Jan. 11th- The Avid Reader (Review/Giveaway)
Jan. 14th- Paranormal Romance Fans for Life (Character Interview)
Jan. 15th- Where Fantasy Meets Reality (Author Interview)
Jan. 16th- Sweet n' Sassi (Review)
Jan. 17th- Full Moon Bites (Author Interview/Giveaway)
Jan. 21st- Books & Tales (Author Interview/Giveaway)
Jan. 22nd- Herding Cats & Burning Soup (Review/Giveaway)
Jan. 23rd- Book Addict (Excerpt)
Jan. 24th- Harlie's Books (Review/Giveaway)
Jan. 25th- Red Headed Bookworm (Review)


  1. I have something for you at my blog:
    McGuffy's Reader

  2. I love this, =) can´t wait for my chance to read!
    Happy Tuesday!
    fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

  3. Thanks so much for the giveaway, it's added to my TBR pile :)

  4. I like all realms of BDSM.I discovered the hardcore stuff by accident. at first I was a little freaked but I enjoyed it.

    1. LOL that's good to hear. I love when accidental stumbles like that help you find a new genre you really enjoy :)

  5. 3 things I love in a book all together, vampires, menage and BDSM woot! Carin
    mawmom at gmail dot com

    1. LOL it's a great combo right? Hope you enjoy it Carin!

  6. Hee. Sorry I squicked you so hard! Personally, I think the publisher (or I) should have given some clearer warnings -- this story is definitely not for everyone. It was kind of you to give such an unbiased review for a story that made you so uncomfortable! You might enjoy my more mainstream fiction more. It tends to still be dark, but without the hard kink. ;)

    Thank you for featuring SHADOWS at Herding Cats and Burning Soup -- yours is one of the blogs I read every day! I'm kind of a fangirl. :D

    aka Heather (from Bloodthirsty Muses)

    1. Hey Heather! How awesome. I had no idea that was you!!

      No worries at all. It was quite the experience and really that's why I read. I like seeing different lifestyles even if they really aren't for me, ya know? I'll definitely be giving your mainstream ones a try when I get through my stack of review books :) I do enjoy a darker read now and again but who boy what a pansy I turned out to be ;) You shoulda seen my reactions while I was reading. You probably would have busted out laughing ;)

      Thanks for the chance to read it!


  7. I don't usually squick over a book, so I'm interested in the challenge lol

    1. LOL I hope you enjoy the challenge Laura! I swear my eyes were probably as big as saucers while I was reading ;) Once you read it I'd love to hear what you think!

  8. You really have me curious here but I think I may start out on a tamer note in the genre first. I did add this to my list with a note so I can go back after I've dipped the toes and see if it's something up my alley.

    1. LOL oh yeah definitely start with a tamer one. I wouldn't put this in the BDSM for beginners category ;) If you're just starting out I'd say Cherise Sinclair or Maya Banks (her Sweet series). Neither are parnormal BDSM but they're pretty easy to get into if you're just testing the waters. That's who I started with :)

  9. Oh my, this sounds good :) Every now and then I need a book like this to get the sweetness out of my blood.

    1. LOL Oh I like that phrase. Too funny. Yep this'll do it!

  10. I cannot wait to read this Anna especially after what you had to say about it. It peeked my curiosity.

    1. LOL I hope you enjoy it Lori! It's definitely more extreme than Cherise. I'll be real curious to see what you think after you've read it!

  11. I really want to try this book

    1. I hope you enjoy it Sheri! I love how open all of you are to trying something off the beaten path! Yall are great!

  12. It does sound interesting! I think I might take a look at one of the author's tamer works, then consider this, as I did decide to be more adventurous this year.

    1. Sounds like a good plan :) I'm gonna try one of her tamer ones myself :)

      Happy reading Mer!

  13. Sounds like a great read and thanks for the great giveaway!!
    Ashley A

  14. Hmm, I have read books of a harder core BDSM. And while not my real cup of tea, I prefer lite BDSM, I think for me I stop at blood play. I can read most things if the story is well written and I can relate to the characters.

    1. Yep blood play wigs me a little. I'll probably stick with the lighter stuff for a while longer. Might try harder at some point but I don't think I'm really ready for it yet ;)

  15. Interesting review. Oddly it hasn't quite put me off the book (hey maybe I'm okay with hardcore sadomasochism), so I would love a copy!

    1. lol I'm glad! One of the ladies read it and it didn't freak her out like it did me :) So ya never know! I love that there are authors out there that write about so many different lifestyles so we can try them out a little :)

  16. I read and loved it Anna. I found it not to hit my hard limits. But you know me Anna.

    1. LOL Lori it'll be interesting to see what your hard limit ends up being! You'll have to let me know!


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