Friday, January 4, 2013

Mirrorlight by Jill Myles

Cora Grames is abandoned in England at a haunted castle, she feels very sorry for herself…until she sees the sexy man in the mirror that only appears to her. And when she finds out that she can touch him, he suddenly becomes more than a fantasy. But how can she fight for a man that doesn’t exist in her time?

This novella includes a man that might be a ghost, a neighbor that might be a fairy godmother in disguise, and possibly sex involving a mirror.

Type: Paranormal Romance, Time Travel, Novella
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5

Well I gotta say my first little taste of Jill Myles' writing was a huge hit. Mirrorlight was a very quick read but I loved it. There's haunted castles, a hunk of a man stuck in a mirror (naughty, naughty things done through said mirror) and enjoyable characters finding their way to each other against all odds. Really, how could you resist that? 

The storyline was pretty fun. Cora's been going through a rough patch and gets roped into castle-sitting for a family member (oh my god how fabulous would that be?!). I mean, other than having the ever living tar scared out of her the first night when a man shows up in her bedroom mirror! Of course her interest is sparked and with the help of a very quirky neighbor Muffin (who does things like making chicken soup with actual fried chicken pieces) she sets out to find out how this beautiful man wound up in a mirror to begin with.
Cora put her spoon down in her bowl and smiled. "You're humoring me, aren't you? I probably just imagined the whole thing."
The old woman's eyes were shrewed as they watched Cora. "What do you have to lose, girl?"
"My mind?"
"That's cute," Muffin said. "You think you still have it."
She had a point.
So the kinda neat/different thing about this one was that the hero never actually talks until the last couple of pages but it still all manages to really work. I loved the odd relationship between Cora and Aric and oh. my. things get really hot and creative between the two. You know, since he's stuck in a mirror and all. I'm a huge fan of creative sex scenes so this one really worked for me <g>  I loved the reason he wound up stuck in there as well. It's one of those catch your breath, tear up and squeeze your heart kinda moments. 

All in all, Mirrorlight was an excellent mix of humor, sweetness and a little mystery from centuries past that combines for a wonderful read that will keep me coming back for more from Myles. I'd definitely recommend to all romance readers and fans of light time travel stories :)

Amazon   Smashwords   Goodreads
[This is a novella at under 100 pages. It was free when I got my copy and hooked me. 
Not sure about the current price of 2.99 though. Seems a bit steep IMO.]

What's the most creative sex scene you've read so far?
Do you like time travel romances? Quirky characters?
Ever read Myles?


  1. Oh! This made me laugh and intrigued me at the same time! Nghty things involving a mirror....oh not sure I want to try and think of what happens! lol Better to read it!

    1. LOL it was quite the thing. I just love what rattles around in author's heads. This is definitely one I never would have thought up! Loved it!

  2. strange yes^^ i never read something similar . i love time travel romance ^^ ( i haven't read a lot yes but i enjoyed those i've read)
    new author for me

    1. I haven't read too many either but have enjoyed the one's I've tried. Have you read Karen Marie Moning's Highlanders series? That's my favorite time travel so far. They're *very* good. I'm working on Janet Chapman's series now and enjoying it too but it's a little more light hearted.

    2. i think i have the first book ( have to check but if i don't own it it's on my wish list^^)

  3. This sounds like a fun and interesting read. I've got to add it to my list
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. It really was and definitely sparked my interest in reading more from her. Always love when that happens :)

      Happy Reading!

  4. I really enjoy Janet Chapman's time travel stories. Something about Scotsmen. :)
    Mirror Light looks like a really fun read, but I agree 2.99 for a novella is a bit steep. Will keep it in mind. Thanks for the review!

    1. I really need to get the rest of the Chapman series. I've got 2 of them so far and both were great.

      If I see this one go on sale again I'll definitely post it on the blog and FB group!

  5. Yes, me and time travel get along wonderfully, especially when it's got castles involved. :)

    Lynn Kurland and Allie MacKay are two of my favorite. A Knight In Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux will remain my very favorite.

    1. Oooo I've got an Allie MacKay on my shelf right now! Tall, Dark and Kilted :) Her covers are kinda cute!

      Haven't seen Kurland yet but just looked them up and will add them to the pile. Same with Deveraux. I read one of hers a while back and wasn't wowed by it but wanted to give her another try so will make it that one!

  6. Hmmm, sounds interesting! Naughty things in a mirror? That sounds downright awesome! And Castle-sitting? How do we sign up for that, right?!?! :)

    1. LOL oh they were interesting! OMG I know! I'd love to castle-sit. Especially if it came with a yummy warrior in need of help ;)


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