Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Familiar Stranger (Black Swan #1) by Victoria Danann

Minutes ahead of inevitable assassination, Elora Laiken is forcibly transported to an alternate dimension similar, but not identical, to her own. She is stranded. Alone. Far from home. A stranger in a "strangish" land. 

Of course a girl could suffer worse problems than having gorgeous suitors. Perhaps more importantly, in the midst of an epidemic of vampire related abductions, can she stay alive long enough to choose between an honor debt, true love, or the breathlessness of single-minded passion? 

Type: Paranormal Romance, Elves, Vampires, Berserkers, alternate universe
Heat: 2.5-3
Rating: 3

Alright so I was really digging this one until the heroine picked the wrong hero. That landed My Familiar Stranger firmly in the eh category for me and made for one pretty grumbly cat herder.

There were definitely some things I liked about the book though. It was my first time reading Danann and I absolutely love the world she created. A slightly alternate universe, a worthy cause with danger, betrayals and fierce Warriors as they try to keep vampires under control. I loved that the vamps weren't in the "good guy" category. It was interesting as a whole and kept me reading on.

And I loved all of the characters...individually. The heroine and the group of men who were teammates. Even a deliciously sexy vamp who might be on their side. Maybe. They're all awesome people and easy to fall in love with. Elora, the heroine, is tough and survives so much and has such a good heart. And the men are all brave and loyal to each other. And they each have a personality that makes you more curious about getting to know them.

Now, my problem was the romance. Grrr, arg and damn. I just wasn't feeling it at all. There's a bit of a love triangle involved and I thought she ended up picking the wrong blasted guy. Couple that with the fact that I didn't feel that spark at all with the one she chose and it was a disaster for me. They worked as friends but I never felt the heat and physical chemistry between them. But I liked him so I couldn't even hate him for stealing her away from the hero I liked. Oh my god. Do you know how frustrating that is? LOL  I had a lot of choice words being used along the way with this one.

So. Kinda torn. Loved parts of the story, especially the drama and action involved in their fight against vampires, and really didn't care for other parts which I think made the book drag a bit for me. I'm totally giving Danann another read though. I want to see my hero of choice get his happily ever after. Maybe then I won't feel that little twinge of hostility towards Elora for leaving him behind.

*FREE at time of posting*

*being used for why by the cow, paranormal, new author challenges


  1. I just downloaded this one...maybe Ill read it this weekend. Great review Anna

    Geez, I have to get going with my challenges

    1. Thanks Sharonda :) I'll be real curious to see what you think of the heroes and her pick. I know it worked for a ton of people. But man my heart really went to the one she didn't pick.

      Ack and omg I know!! I'm already behind on them. Gotta start working on em all soon!

  2. I went to download this one, and it turns out I got it this summer. I just hate when they don't listen and they pick the wrong person! It's like your own personal heartbreak, ya know? Double damn on that!!

    1. LOL Liz I've done that a couple times too!

      I know right?!! I just wanted to shake her. But I liked the guy she picked too just not for her. Damn this one got me all twisty. I'm real curious about the next one though!

  3. Lol, I have been part of the blogtour for the second book, but have not read any of her books yet. I do want to, especially after reading your review.

    1. LOL That's why I picked it up Aurian :) I'm on the tour for book 3 and figured I should start with the earlier ones. Next week I'm diving into book 2! I'm actually really looking forward to it too :)

      Happy reading!

  4. I just got this book although I've not read it yet. It sounds like a good read, I just hope I don't like the wrong hero. LoL That would frustrate me too.

    1. LOL me too Kristin! It's still an interesting world even if you do pick the wrong hero like I did ;) Now to find out HIS story. Can't wait!

      Thanks for dropping over!

      Happy weekend!


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