Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Yellow & Red Tomato Bruschetta

Yellow & Red Tomato Bruschetta

So, you may notice one glaring error here. Yeah. Yellow tomatoes? Really flipping hard to find mid January. 

But I was in the mood for a yummy tomato snack and just had to make this one now yellow tomatoes be damned... ;)

Nice simple ingredients...

Coarse chop tomatoes, rip basil and finely chop your red onion. 
Add in garlic, salt and pepper to taste then extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Cover in plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes so everything can get all infused together.

Spoon your tomato mix over toasted bakery bread and serve!
I added a little extra balsamic vinegar since I just...well...like a little more punch to it. 

This was so easy to make and a nice little snack. I'll be trying this again this summer when there are a few more tomatoes to pick from. I'm terrible at the whole seasonal cook thing. Ah well. 

Yellow & Red Tomato Bruschetta Recipe

8 oz red tomatoes
8 oz yellow tomatoes
1 small red onion
2T torn basil
1 clove garlic
2 T extra virgin olive oil
1T balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
crusty bread
  • Coarse chop tomatoes, finely chop onion and garlic
  • Mix tomatoes, onion, basil, garlic, olive oil and balasmic vinegar in a medium bowl
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste
  • Cover with plastic wrap and let stand 20 minutes to let the flavor develop
  • Cut the bread into 3/4 inch slices
  • Char-grill bread for 1-2 minutes on each side until toasted
  • Spoon the tomato mixture over bread and serve


  1. easy to make and healthy ^^ thank you a lot i will try it as soon as i get tomatoe from the garden ( it's always better) but i have the basil all year ^^ ( my plant is more than 5years old instead of annual^^;;)

    1. Oh lucky! My basil didn't make it this year. A frost snuck up on me and I didn't get it in in time. 5 years is a LONG time!

      Definitely agree. Tomatoes from the garden are always so much yummier. I feel like I've accomplished something too growing my own :D I can't wait until summer hits here and I can do this with my own tomatoes/basil/garlic!

    2. my "garden " is the one of my grand mother for the tomato for the basil it's at home inside^^ ( in the bedroom in fact because it made the spiders leave^^;;;

      perhaps next time i will send you some seeds from it ^^

    3. Ooo are they good about spiders? I didn't know that! I'd love to have plants in the house but the way it's situated on the property I never have any real sunlight or not enough to keep them healthy.

      I'm still amazed it's that old. That's crazy!! What a good plant mom you are :D

  2. You don't put any oil on the bread before toasting?

    1. You definitely can. I'm trying to be good so left out those extra calories. I just sliced and broiled and it toasted them nicely. They weren't as "moist" but still tasty :) And with the liquid from the tomatoes didn't notice too much difference.

  3. Right up my alley! Easy and delicious!

    Side note... I am flipping going crazy! Sean's mom gave him a new laptop for Christmas and I'm typing away and I end up either on another page all together or in the middle of a sentence I've already ARRRG! Until get used to this blasted thing I will probably be pulling tufts of hair. LMAO!

    1. LOL Leah I'm so sorry but that made me snort. I always love getting a new computer/laptop but man alive getting used to them is something else! Especially if the keyboard spacing changes. I was an endless typo when I got this last one and the keyboard got so much bigger!

  4. that looks really good...oh thank you for the recipe...now simple & easy I can do :)

    1. LOL. It was indeed very simple. And a nice fresh little treat :)


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