Monday, January 21, 2013

TBR Pile Knockout (3)

TBR Pile Knockout is hosted by Ana of Beach Bum Reads and Anna of Herding Cats & Burning Soup. This meme was created to tackle our HUGE and STILL GROWING TBR piles.&nbsp

We'll be posting the 1st and 3rd Monday each month. Our goal is to make a rather nice dent in our TBR piles. So, aside from our other lovely reads, we will be making sure ONE book out of our TBR pile will be read :) 

Want to join in? Check out the rules:

1. Go to your TBR pile and randomly pick one book off your list!
  • We'll be using to pick our reads.  
  • Type in the number of books in your TBR pile where it says "MAX"  
  • Then click generate and it will give you your randomly selected book!  
  • NOTE: If the book chosen via is part of a series, you can go ahead and read the first book in said series. 
2. Come back here every other week (or however often you'd like to join in) and link up your "TBR Pile Knockout" post in the linky below! [posts can include anything, cover, if you're excited about the pick, a review, etc]

Don't have a blog? You can still join in! Just link in your Goodreads reviews or add link the Amazon/B&N page for the book and leave your thoughts in a comment on this page :)

So, I never made it to my actual pick from the last TBR Pile Knock out which was Angel Be Good. 

BUT I did knock 2 more off my freebie books list which are the ones I'm using for this challenge. One of them was Bella Andre's Game for Love which was really good but basically 200 pages of the hero and heroine going at it like bunnies. It was seriously non-stop sex and has me seeing dirty words every where I look ;) Review will be up in the next couple days...

Instead of picking a new one I'm going to try for Angel Be Good. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble even just opening the book but darn it it needs to come OFF my list. I'm a determined woman here people!


  1. Lol. Bella Andre.. whew.. xD I haven't been doing any kind of reading lately >.< my life sucks right now lol. But, I picked a short this week, so I BETTER be able to read it xD and then maybe do the last two I didn't get to finish either o.O I am determined to finish these books this week. lol. Good luck with your read :)


    1. Whew is right! I went in thinking it'd be your average romance and whoa so not! LOL

      Aw hun. Sorry things are sucking right now :( I hope you get to escape into your book for a bit and it's a good one. If there's anything I can do from this end of things let me know!

  2. I have to check out these books by Belle Andre too...hell, if there's sex going on in them pages, I'm all for the read :) Looking forward to those reviews :)


    1. LOL Sharonda there's a flipping TON of sex in them. I was so not kidding about the going at it like bunnies thing! She's got 2 up for free on Amazon last I looked. Candy something. Oy. Can't remember but if you search her name on there they should come up. From what I've heard quite a few of hers are sexfests. LOL

  3. Again, I'm hoping I did this right, LOL!

    When The Duke Found Love by Isabella Bradford has been on my TBR pile for a bit now. I won it on Goodreads and finally picked it up. I found myself laughing a lot which I love from a book. Sheffield is a rogue of the first order and while everyone thinks him to be a total scoundrel, underneath he is really hiding a huge heart. I found Diana to be a little like myself in that she reacts first and thinks later. These two just won me over.

    1. Ahhh you did great Leah! It sounds like a really fun one with the type of hero/heroine I enjoy the most! I love when they're not quite what everyone thinks :) Glad you enjoyed it!

  4. I don't know how to add a cover or anything. But I read Show No Mercy by Cindy Gerard. I have the whole BOI series, it has been sitting on my shelves for ages. So book 1 was my book from my tbr collection for January. I liked it. Not great. But good enough to look forward to book 2.
    lisakhutson at cox. net

    1. I have that one here Lisa and have been meaning to try her out. Yay for getting one off the TBR pile! Even if it was just a middle of the road. Hope book 2 turns out better for ya :) I know a ton of people who just rave about that series. Thanks for joining in this month!!


I always enjoy hearing what YOU think so come on and leave a comment. Everyone's welcome :) And feel free to leave comments on old posts. I'll check in on you there too :)

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