Friday, February 22, 2013

Email Subscription Problems?

Hey All- Really quick question. I think we're having feed problems and was wondering if you get our email updates if they're actually coming through to you on a regular basis. Yall should have gotten one yesterday (thursday) and earlier today. That one I'm sure didn't go out since I didn't get the update either.

Do any of you lovelies out there know how to deal with that? I haven't found anything helpful through blogger over the last couple hours. Anywho. Thought I'd check with yall and see :) Thanks! ~Anna

The post for Randomly Random won't seem to go through to email subscribers for some reason but it's a new feature on the blog if you'd like to check it out. You might want to scroll through a few posts too and check out some others that didn't go through. We've had a couple reviews and giveaways the last couple days!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Sharon! This one came through for me too. Would have been nice if the one for our new feature had been included too. Grrr technology! Glad it's working again though!

  2. I got this one & it looks like the one I got before this was the Boone Brux one.

    1. Thanks Tonya. I don't know why those 3 other posts won't go through. Frustrating. Thanks for letting me know!

  3. I got the email on this one, and one yesterday, and the day before. So daily, but not on every post.

    1. Good to hear! We usually have one go out Mon-Friday :)

  4. i got this one and yesterday not sure for this morning i think i did but i'm a little unwell ( oki a lot) so i can check but not now)so not sure. one way thats is really great to get update is blogttr they send a mail after each post ( except if you specially ask to receive all in one per day etc)

    1. Aw Miki I wish you were feeling better! Lots of happy healthy thoughts coming your way!

      Hmm. Alright when you're feeling better I'd love to know how to get that added on the blog as an option. I have a follow comments/posts option but it does have email as a choice just the google feed. Will have to look more into it. Thanks!

    2. hi oki i'm a little better ( just for 20min then back in bed for several hours to get 20min fee again^^;;) 4virus at once... too much for me

      so you can go there ( it's free) you can registrer and create the button wxith the direct link ( you can see a result on my blog if you want to check, i really prefer that to feedcat, blogtottr send you really aclear message just after each post) ( i could for example already use it to suscribe to your blog but i would have to put the blog adress then my email etc, you can prepare it so we just need to put our email)...

      if it's not clear just send me an email and i will try to help

      ( by teh way i've checked and no i didn't receive two email today i was mistaking email and gfc....see really out^^;;)

  5. I got today's email but not yesterdays. I went back and checked it out. I'm going to add RSS follow and see if I get them all that way.

    1. Oh I hope that works for you Susan! Thanks for checking in!

  6. This one came through at 9:08 this morning but I know I've missed a few this week. I visited here yesterday and was surprised to have missed so many posts. My notifications always take hours to go through after a post goes live, sometimes even an entire day.

    1. Gah it's so frustrating isn't it? I know I've wound up on yours and other favorites and been surprised too by ones I hadn't seen. Always figured it was just on my end and had gotten lost in all the emails that come through. I've got all of yall bookmarked and am just gonna have to visit that way on occasion I think so I don't miss posts.

  7. I've had to mess with my feedburner several times. Have you checked your limits? All of a sudden mine were wonky and I had to go in and change limits (expand them) and do all kinds of crazy stuff. I did not get the Random one, but I am totally going to check it out! (I never did write my feature, got total blogger block!)

    1. Okay I have no idea how to check my limits. Where do I find that?

      Ah see I was just wondering about yours when this was happening and thinking I'd missed that and would have to come check it out. Damn blogger block!

    2. This is under the troubleshooting

      And then this is the link it takes you to

      I think I changed mine to 4 or something, I don't remember. But my newsletter had stopped going out altogether, not just skipping posts - but then I usually only have one post a day on most days. Anyway, it doesn't hurt to check it out and try.

    3. Thanks Liz. I played around with it a little so we'll see what happens come Monday!

  8. I did not get an earlier email, and not sure about the one yesterday.

    1. Thanks Aurian. It's looking like it really didn't go out to anyone. Don't ya love technology?

  9. I got the one yesterday. Didn't get the earlier one but; got this one.
    Sue B

  10. I hope you figure it out. Oh and thanks Liz!!!! I know I've had the same problem a couple of times.

    1. Thanks Kim! I think I got hit by a system upgrade on their part and just bad timing.

  11. Hey, Anna!

    I got this one and looking back through emails, the last one I got was for Shield of Fire. I have been sick again....gotta love working with the public....with bronchitis so just made myself get out of bed for a bit and got on here. I am not techie at all so have no clue as to what to tell you about the emails. I do always check when I get on here to see if I've missed any though. :)

    1. Aw Leah I hope you feel better! I feel ya on working with the public. I got a horrible cold back in November from the kids coming in the bookstore.

  12. I get your emails, though evidently, my blog's emails don't go through. It seems like it's the luck of the draw.

    1. It's really odd isn't it? I wish there were a way to get all the kinks out so they're always sent to everyone.

  13. I got this one and I'm pretty sure I've been getting them regularly. I hope you find out what's wrong.

    1. I think maybe we figured it out and it came down to some bad post timing and an update on Blogger's part. Hopefully that won't happen again.

  14. I got this one and the Shield of Fire one before this. Didn't get Randomly Random, Friday Find, nor Cat Thursday. Hopefully it was only a momentary glitch. Google, Gmail, Chrome, etc were rather glitchy on the 20th and 21st. I noticed they were even down for a few minutes on the 21st.

    1. Thanks Kamla! Yep I'm thinking that's all it was was a little glitch from an update to the system. Same it happened on a day starting a new feature but eh what can ya do? Hopefully it'll be up and going on Monday and everything will work out :)


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