Monday, February 11, 2013

Kiss of the Betrayer by Boone Brux + giveaway

For fifteen years Luc Le Daun has blamed himself for the death of the woman he loved. His secret guilt has led him into a life of danger, risking all and committing to none.

Killing Luc Le Daun has been all Jade Kendell has thought about for years. But when her plan goes awry and she’s brought into the Bringers’ fold, her own dark secret threatens to be revealed. Desire for a better life wars with a promise made long before she understood the ramifications.

In a deadly mission, Jade and Luc embark on a journey into the Shadow World. As they attempt the impossible, ignoring the attraction growing between them becomes harder to deny. The slightest misstep could mean the loss of their souls and give the Demon King exactly what he needs to open the Abyss of Souls and annihilate the Bringers.

Type: Paranormal Romance/Fantasy, Warriors/Demons/Shifters (dragons)
Heat: 2.5 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5
                      She was a colossal tyrant stuffed inside the tiny body of a woman. 
If you're like me and love finding new worlds that are unique, a little quirky and just good for your book loving soul then Boone Brux is an author you need to meet. She weaves together such a rich and exciting story it's like stepping right into the world and being there.

There's some drama in Kiss of the Betrayer. You know it's going to be one hell of a ride with the heroine's mission in life is to take the hero out. And yall I'm not talking about the dinner and a movie variety but the swimming with the fishies kinda deal. I mean, hello, that's one damn serious mountain they've got to get themselves over! But damn they do so in the most amazing way.

Sooo. The romance. Well. There's a touch of animosity between Luc and Jade. That whole, I want to kill you, thing is a real bitch on a relationship but these two? Fabulous together. There's some snark and witty banter back and forth (though not as much as I expected after meeting them in book one) and there's a nice dose of sexual tension which I always enjoy.

There's really not too much heat or sheet time but what's there is pretty enjoyable. Okay, so a couple times I found myself chanting "kiss her! kiss her! kiss her!" but really the rest of the storyline is so involved and action packed you don't miss the high heat factor all too much.

I really liked both Jade and Luc. They pair up nicely with his sometimes "cave man" route (he has a tendency to want to just toss her over his shoulder when she doesn't do as he wishes) and her refusal to back down. Chickie has some attitude and is a damn tough heroine who says it like it is and can really kick some ass when need be.
"Excuse me?" 
"You...attacking Icarus." Luc coughed. "Stupid." 
She blinked several times, not sure if she'd just been insulted.  
From the irritated look on his face, she had. 
Jade braced her arms on either side of Luc's body and hovered above him. "I saved your life, jackass." 
"Saved me?" He wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "I had things well in hand."
"Really? Was that when you were thrashing about like a fish out of water or when Icarus was peeling your flesh like a ripe orange?"
The secondary characters really shine as well. Brux has a way of really creating a wonderfully tight-nit and loving group of characters you just want to know more about. They'll make you smile, they'll make you laugh and they'll have you falling in love with all of them as they work together to fight the Demon Bane and risk their lives to protect the human population from them. I don't want to spoil too much of the storyline but their mission is pretty heartbreaking. They really have so much to overcome because of the past and lies that have been kept for many, many years. Brux really makes you care for all of them and their lot in life as they try to work things out. Really she even managed to have me falling for the villains in the story and sorta kinda hoping we'll get their story one day. Pretty impressive I think.

If you enjoy a fast paced storyline filled with adventure, danger and irresistible characters then Kiss of the Betrayer is a book you'll likely really enjoy. I had a hard time putting it down once I started and as soon as I finished I was ready for book 3. I'm really looking forward to seeing what Brux will come up with next.

Alright chickies! Entangled is offering one commentor today an ecopy of Kiss of the Betrayer. 
To enter just leave a meaningful comment and fill out that Rafflecopter!


  1. I love heroine's who can kick some ass and fight back. Love it.

    1. Me too Mary! Both of the heroines I've read from Boone have been fantastic :)

  2. I love a tough, no-nonsense heroine. When you find one like that in a novel, you're also sure to find lots of humor! Sounds great!

  3. love snarky dialogue between the characters! I've had my eye on this one. Thanks for the review :)

    1. I think you'd really like book one in the series Sharon. They were pretty hysterical.

  4. I read the first book Shield of Fire, and have been hooked ever since. I too love women who can kick ass, but aren't afraid to be true themselves. Boone Brux knows how to weave a story, and make feel as if I crawled inside the book.

    1. Gah I LOVED book one Cindy. She hooked me like you wouldn't believe. I can't wait for the next one :)

  5. The heroine wanting to kill the hero is definitely a serious conflict to resolve.

  6. Love the strong heroine!!

  7. Sounds like an awesome read. I like a strong, sassy heroine with a sense of humor. Thanks for the review and excerpt.

    1. I think you'd probably really like book one too. Boone writes a great heroine I think :)

  8. I always enjoy a book where the other characters are just as good as the lead ones. It allows for spin offs and series. I can't wait to read this book.

    1. Exactly! The ones in here are just awesome. Luc was one of the best 2nd characters in book one. I was so excited to read his story :) Good luck!

  9. I don't know, I have DNF book 1, because I could not stand the modern language in a sort of historical setting. I do plan on trying again somewhere this year.

    1. You know, that actually worked for me since you never really get what time period it is and it's an alternate universe it didn't bother me that the language wasn't proper for a historical. Now, if it had been a regency romance and they chatted like this series then yeah I'd so have had a problem with it.

      With this one I guess I felt like it could be an alternate world happening right now that was just behind in some ways compared to ours. If that makes sense. Been a long night so lordy it just might not.

  10. This book sounds very interesting,I will hsve to read it.

  11. I love when there is animosity between two characters that are supposed to be love interests. It makes it so much better when they do get together, especially if some of their animosity is still there!

    mestith (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Me too Meghan! It really does add such a nice little spice to the relationship :)

  12. I have been interested in this series since last year and I am glad to see another book released for this author. sdylion (at)gmail(dot)com

  13. I really like a strong heroine, not a whimpy, whiny one. I've admired the covers for Boone's series. I've been wanting to read this series for a while now. I entered her name the hero contest. That was fun.
    What’s the hardest thing about writing and how do you handle it?
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

    1. Oh that does sound fun! I really liked the covers too Julianne! They've got a nice different feel to them.

  14. Loved your review and the passage you quoted. I love the alpha male paired up with the female who doesn't take any crap. Seeing the woman saving his butt is always fun too.

    1. Thanks Barbara :) Oh yeah. I always love when that happens! You'd really like book one then I think :)

  15. You just know this cover caught my attention when it came out. I have so many on my want to buy list I really need to start trying to narrow it down. From your review, I will really enjoy this story.

    1. The tbr list is a killer. I wish I could read as fast as I seem to find new ones to add! LOL So I feel your pain on that ;)

  16. I love a tough heroine who can match a hero who's like a self-destruct! Love fireworks with a little humor...definitely going to check this one (and the series) out! Thanks for the great review!

  17. Kick ass heroines Yayyy can't wait to read this book and many thanks for the brilliant giveaway. Best wishes Tracey x

  18. Jade sounds like my kind of heroine!

  19. Love this and can´t wait for my chance to read more, =) sounds like a great read!
    Happy Tuesday!
    fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

  20. Love it when there is a book with attitude! I have a tendency to like the books where the characters hate each other at first and fit with all of their might to prevent everything.

    1. It adds a nice bit of spice I think Nicole :) You'll probably get a real kick out of this series.

  21. Love it, and i really like strong heroine.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  22. that cover makes my mouth water
    er - um - nice cover
    love to win & read!!
    PICK ME!!!

  23. Oh I love the ae on the cover, and as for the book, it sounds like exactly the sort of thing I'd like to read, so I've just added it to my TBR. I've not read a shifter (dragons) book yet, so this will be my first! Thanks for introducing me to another book, and thanks for the chance at a giveaway

    1. ** so this series will be my first!

  24. I love it when secondary characters are noteworthy and I love to get involved with the characters I am reading! This sounds like it might be a fun read. I do have a small impatience with the I want you / I hate you mentality, but this sounds like there is enough to overcome this. Thank you for sharing about this new to me read :)

  25. The book sounds great. Thank you for the giveaway.


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