Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Shield of Fire (Bringer and the Bane #1) by Boone Brux

Protecting humans is the Bringers' duty. Sending demons to the Shadow World is their pleasure.

In one night, Ravyn's life plunges from barely tolerable to deadly. Forced to flee the only home she's known, she stumbles headlong into the clutches of Icarus, a powerful demon intent on stealing her powers. 

Unfortunately for him, she has no intention of cooperating.

When Rhys realizes the woman he's rescued from the Bane Demon is no mere human, his obligation as a Bringer dictates he protect and train her in the ways of his people. But he's unprepared for the intense desire he feels for the fiery Ravyn. To surrender to his need may mean her death.

As the Demon King's desire for ultimate power escalates, fathers are slated against sons, and foes are made allies. The Bane threat upon them, Rhys and Ravyn must quest to unite the last of the Bringers--and explore a passion too powerful to ignore.

Type: Paranormal Romance: Demons/Warriors/Shifters (dragon)
Heat: 2.5 out of 5
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Now this was a pretty awesome read and a lovely introduction into a new world that's just a little different from any I've ever read. Brux has a fabulous voice that pulled me in completely and had me so engaged in the story. Had me loving the characters and doing some full on pouting when real life got in the way of my reading and I had to put down my Nook for even a second. And oh baby she's got some yummeh covers on this series!

It did take me a little while to figure out what the characters actually...were. I knew they were touched with a bit of the paranormal and were "Bringers" but what that was? Not a clue. The basic gist is that Bringers are somewhat immortal Warriors that are here to battle the Demon Bane who attack humans. There's a magical element to them with them each having a supernatural twist of being a protector, being gifted with insight or healing. There's even a shifter element involved which I loved.

Rhys and Ravyn were fantastic leads and the support cast was amazing. Which is something I really appreciate in a story. I love that added oompf that they bring into the picture. What was so great about them all was not necessarily them (though they were all really entertaining and well written characters) but the way they way they interacted. They have such a great sarcastic/teasing/loving back and forth thing going on where you can really tell they all love each other. They're not one bit shy about giving each other hell and it's fantastic. I snorted with laughter more than once and couldn't help but smile over them all.
He swung his spiked head toward Luc and Siban.
The men fell back several yards as Rhys's tail thrashed and beat the ground.
Luc turned to Siban. "What in all saints' creation is that?"
"I believe that's a dragon."
They both stared at him for a moment, Luc's mouth hanging open. "Did you know?" he asked.
Siban shook his head. "I knew he was different, but,"-he pointed in a helpless gesture- "not this different."
Rhys finished his transformation and grinned, his lips pulling across his fangs. His forked tongue darted from his mouth, tasting his friends' fear. He took a step toward them.
Luc heald his hands in front of him. "Whoa, nice dragon."
Rhys snorted and a spiral of smoke emitted from his nostrils.
"You're my best friend, Rhys," Luc said. "But I would appreciate you pointing that in another direction." 
There wasn't much in the steamy department with this story outside of one big scene but damn it was a good scene and the chemistry and tension between Rhys and Ravyn was nice the rest of the time. Rhys is sexy and strong and just one of those drool worthy heroes. And Ravyn, even though an extremely sheltered and innocent heroine wasn't so in an annoying way. Know what I mean? It was really wonderful watching her grow and explore her new found freedom (she'd been basically a prisoner at a convent her entire life). I loved her reactions to things like seeing the ocean for the first time. It was just sweet and endearing and one of those things that could tear you up a little.

 If you love rich and textured world building and stepping into a new world full of action, danger, humor and of course romance it's a great one to try out. I cannot freaking wait to read Luc's story. Omg he is delicious! Like your favorite chocolate treat that makes you deliriously happy even if you know it's not the best thing for you. Brux won me over with this one and I'm very much looking forward to reading a lot more from her in the future.

What say yall?

Have you read Boone Brux? Ever heard of a world like this?
What's your take on secondary characters? Did ya like the quote? 
Just wanna tell me something random? That's good too ;) 


  1. new discovery for me but i love dragons so i will try to find more info

    1. Oooo you like Dragons Miki? Have you read G.A. Aiken's Dragon Kin series? It's my favorite ever dragon shifter series. Kind of a paranormal romance/urban fantasy feel. They're funny and entertaining and have some make you sob drama every now and again.

  2. I am still staring at the hot cover. LOL. Have not read a dragon book yet. Will have to give it a try. I don't always think you need steamy all the way through the book. Sometimes just making you wait for that one time is worth it.

    1. I definitely agree with you. The anticipation can so be worth the wait.

      This one is a light dragon one. It's not a huge focus of the story and doesn't come into play TOO much so might be a good one to start with. Personally I love dragon shifters and read as many as I can get my hands on. They're 2nd only to kitty shifters in my paranormal favorites :)

      And omg yeah that cover. Whew! The one or book two Kiss of the Betrayer is incredible too. Reviewed it a couple weeks back if you want to look in the Feb listings over on the left :)

  3. I Love dragon books
    would love to try BB
    I love GA Aiken AND Deborah Cooke has Fab dragon series

    1. Oh yes Deborah Cooke! I forgot! She does have good ones. I've only read the first 3. Need to pick them up again I think :D

      If you try Boone I hope you enjoy them!

  4. I love dragons, too! And I love sexy men on covers with bulging biceps :) I've not heard of this book, but I definitely want to read it. I'm very intrigued by the demons. Ok, yeah, I'm a bit of a demon groupie. And I like that the demon is named Icarus, which, imo, does not sound eeeevil. lol. Yep, even as I write this I'm getting more excited to read it!!

    1. Icarus is an awesome villain Liz! He's kinda like Lothaire if you read the IAD series. Where's he's done horrible things and is awful but you still kinda like him? I'm secretly hoping Icarus will get a story at some point. He was great in book 2 (Kiss of the Betrayer).

  5. I'm a dragon fan too...and demons, I <3 them :) I might have to look this one up.

    Great review Anna

    1. Thanks Sharonda! See now I'm really glad to know there are other dragon lovers out there. I thought I was the only one!!

  6. Great review-- I have this one on my NOOK right now, I may have to bump it up my list! :)


    1. Thank ya :) Ooo yes I'd say give it a read. It's a little different but I just loved the feel of the whole world.

      Happy reading!


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