Tuesday, March 12, 2013

"Tasty" Delights-- The "oh hell" edition...

Tasty Delights and Dazzling Disasters is all about playing in the kitchen and having some fun.

I'll share my delights or my disasters. Yall feel free to join in and create your own posts, share your favorite recipes, what have you. 

When the burner of soup...burns soup! 

So, it's 833pm on Monday night and I've got nothing for Tasty Tuesday and I am wiped from the time change and doing an overnight shift at our USO then working so I thought well let me show them some of my "oh hell" moments. *fluffs hair* Yep. I've got...skills.

Welcome to my kitchen. It's, um, not at it's best in this one. lol

Yall know petit fours right? Those tiny little cake bites from hell? Okay so not their official name but after my attempt to make the bastards (resulting in my kitchen looking like this), 12 hours work and only getting 6 of them even halfway presentable they earned a good *fist shake* and a muttered fucking petit fours from hell! I won't even look at them in the store. It was bad people. Real bad. My friends bless their hearts ate them, smiled and said how they weren't bad then about died from the sugar overload.

*this was taken mid break for a little dinner (a veggie burger) lol*

::snort:: This one went real well ;) I went on a waffle craze a little bit back. Made some cinnamon roll waffles that turned out decent. So thought I'd try hash browns in it too. Pinterest is evil by the way. That's where I saw this one and man it looked easy. My hash browns didn't want to...brown. They wouldn't stick together either. They smelled good and man was that torture getting to sniff em but not eat em. 

So maybe it's just breakfast items! I saw this one on Pinterest too. Okay so basically you crack your egg and cook it with either an onion or green pepper boarder. Supposed to be easy. I'm on my 8th attempt. ::snort:: I've found a way to cook the egg all the way through on I think attempt 3 but darn if I can keep the slippery bastards in their veggie boarders. 

They may look kinda cute but Sweet Mary they are not so good. These are quick cake balls where you use cake mix add a couple things and in 5 minutes they are supposed to be delicious little treats. 
They. Aren't. The pups wouldn't even eat them. Bwhaha. 
And damn blast it was another Pinterest find. lol

LOL When cake tin greasing goes awry mini pineapple cakes die. I really can't remember if this one was the result of it having been too greased and I forgot and dropped him or if I'd forgotten to grease the pan and the flopped out all in bits. He was good whichever way it was! 

Okay. So that's the one's that have gone oh so wrong. lol. I definitely earn my soup burner status on occasion  So, what's your biggest disaster? Have any good ones?  

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  1. I love that you try these things. What an imagination too. Good for you. You are right, the cake balls look terrific. The pepper egg this is also a good idea. Well, I don't like peppers. But husband would love it. And you are right, pinterest things rarely work like they say. But I did try one that worked pretty well. I will try to find it and show you. Anyway, I love that you will try this stuff and show us even when it doesn't go well!! Thank you!!

    1. LOL I figure why not. I have a good time with them even if they turn out a bit disastrous. Though those petit fours. I'm still a little miffed over them ;) If you like onions onions work too! I actually like those more than the pepper version.

      I've actually gotten a few Pinterest ones to work it just takes a bit of doing figuring out the tricks of it. They never work quite like they say. lol Still fun to try though :)

  2. Just this weekend I totally burned the hamburgers I was going to eat, because I was writing a review. Had to throw them all away, and ate ... a bag a chips instead. I did not feel like tempting the cooking gods again.

    1. LOL tempting the cooking gods. Love that! I've burned my pasta before. Like hard as a puck/black bottom/toss out the pot burned it because I thought I'd read a chapter of my book while it cooked and I completely forgot it. Glad I'm not the only one who does that!

  3. Bhahaha!!!! And that is why I rarely attempt to make. LOL Thanks for sharing. :-D

  4. Let me just say, been there, done that! And that you totally crack me up. Yeah, Pinterest makes everything look so easy. Sure, for Martha Stewart. LOL!

    Let me share with you something I do almost every time I cook something. I fail to read the recipe properly and end up layering an ingredient wrong or putting an ingredient in at the wrong time or some other such tom foolery. I'm famous for it. ;O)

    1. Bwhaha Oh Michelle you are not alone in that one! I'm terrible about it too. On my end though I usually get halfway through and things are going well then I realize oh hell I don't have an ingredient at all! I've had to go back to the grocery store twice for a single recipe before. lol. Thank goodness it's only a block away!

  5. These are great. I had a pumpkin cheese cake pie needed for a dinner at the in-laws that required a soup spoon or a straw. Good thing the fruit pies came through for me. I haven't tried anything from Pinterest that's actually supposed to look nice, but both the recipes I tried tasted good and were favorites with everyone.

    1. lol oh nos! Glad the fruit pies worked out! I've had a pecan pie do that to me once. It looked perfect on the outside but was soup inside.

      That's good to hear about your Pinterest adventures! I've done a couple that have turned out well too but they weren't "pretty" ones. Those tend to trip me up just a wee bit ;)

      Happy baking Sophia!

  6. I don't usually make complicated things but there are 2 things I cannot make to save my life. They are cheese wafers (sometimes they're referred to as cheese straws) and homemade gravy. I've tried several different recipes for the cheese wafers & none have turned out right. I love it when my mama fries chicken & then makes gravy from the drippings in the cast iron frying pan. I've watched her do it a million times and even though she doesn't go by a recipe she wrote down measurements for me. Mine never turns out right though.

    And since it's Tasty Tuesday I'll share this tip with yall. It's an easy way to have your recipe where you can check it easily and keep your cookbooks clean! If that link doesn't work let me know.


    1. Ahh I love that trick Tonya! I need to find a hanger that would hold just one recipe card. If you look in that top photo you can see how I do my recipe cards in the molding on the cabinet door. Works okay but hard to turn it and not be all messy.

      Oh that's right. I remember your cheese wafer post! That's one I wanted to give a try. I've made gravy once I think but maybe 8 years ago? Not something a vegetarian makes all too often. lol. And darn doesn't that annoy you when you can watch and it looks so easy and then disaster! I have an italian recipe our neighbor makes like that. No matter what I do it never comes out like hers.

    2. I use that same kind of hanger, but smaller (probably for kids clothes) for the recipes on cards and the ones on paper that I print out. Oh, yeah, I tell me mama she's just showing off with her cooking without recipes. HA!

    3. Ahh I have people who can do them without recipes. That's insane! Hmmm will look for some baby hangers and give a try :)

  7. lol! my kitchen looks like that a lot and I don't cook but I do have two kids that try to.

    1. LOL That'd do it too! Growing up my BF and I would mess in mom's kitchen. I can't believe she survived us ;)

  8. LOL OMG. This was awesome! Ok, first - I love your kitchen!! Maybe without the hurricane, but the white and silver is way awesome! After I do a baking project, mine looks the same way! And fucking petit fours from hell is great!

    I saw the pinterest for the hashbrown waffles and egg green peppers too - both actually got me so hungry I could scream. So glad you guinea pigged that one!!!

    This was such a fun post, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has disasters. And yes, Pinterest is awful. We also did the food colored frozen water balloons - only one of the bastards froze, and when I peeled off the balloon all of the food coloring had settled at the bottom. Really!?!?

    1. OMG Liz I saw that one and so wanted to try it! Dang really? It looked awesome. It just was never cold enough when I thought about it. Darn lying Pinterest. lol

      I haven't given up on those eggs/hasbrowns. There has got to be a way and I am determined! ;)

      Thank you! I really like my kitchen now too (when it's actually clean!). I redid it about 6 years ago and had a great time doing it. Before it was a 1980's nightmare that still makes me shudder.

      And yes fucking petit fours from hell. Official name. Nasty little buggers ;)

  9. Good morning Anna! It's 8:00 AM here and I've already almost had an accident reading your blog!! That is hysterical. The eggs looked kind of pretty. My husband is the chef in our house, I make comfort food, meat loaf, pasta sauce etc. I've made it so long, I do it without thinking. I play it very safe. I look at a recipe, if it has too many ingredients, or the instructions are too long, I move on! LOL
    Hope you got some rest!!!! xoxox

    1. LOL I'm glad I was feeling a bit lazy and went with this post! I just didn't feel like cooking the other night but am so glad I could give all of yall a chuckle. Hope you're having a great week Pat!

  10. Bahahahaha!!!! I just died. I. Just. Died!!! *keels (spell check?) over*

    That's just horrible Anna, what on Earth possessed you to put hashbrowns in a waffle machine? I just... I can't even... Lmao!! And the little cake balls, when your dog won't even eat em you know it's bad lol smh. I love this one, your recipes are.... interesting xD LOL but this just made my day LOL

    PS- *whispers* who else runs the blog with you Anna? I know there's another blogger around here somewhere sneaking up on me, but I never who posts what so I always assume it's you >.< LOL *doh!*

    1. LOL I couldn't help myself Neyra! I saw it on Pinterest and it spoke to me. Squealed TRY MEEE!!!! And I did.

      And nope it's just me on here. One of the ladies that follows did a guest post the other day but it's not a regular thing just that once. If an authors not guest posting then it's me doing the posts :)

  11. The little cake balls actually look amazing haha like you said!! I'm not very experimental in the kitchen but I love seeing your little experimentss hehehe. Hahaha like Neyra said, you put hashbrowns in the waffle maker! that's hilarious! Personally I don't know how to make hashbrowns, but that shouldn't be the way right?

    I'm a sucker for Pinterest recipes too. They all look so easy, but I'm sure they're more complicated than they look, like you've proved!

    1. Right? Right?? They look so cute! I thought oooOoo look at these! How yummy. Then I couldn't get the thing out of my mouth quick enough. ::shudder:: LOL

      Bwha. No hashbrowns are usually done in a frying pan. But it's the same concept right? Hot metal meets potato. It should cook them right up and get both sides at once! I thought it was brilliant. It wasn't. hehe. Those darn Pinterest recipes. Gah. I love to look at em though.

  12. Oh goodness just looking at the pictures reminded me of fiance and our daughters ATTEMPTING to cook and help out but I ended up cleaning up... I have learned to look up when they are in the kitchen, some how they managed to get egg shells up in to the top shelf above the stove (to this day I am clueless on how... It's one of those it figures moments...)
    I agree some of those recipes on pinterest look delish but they are a devil to create...
    Good luck

    1. Bwhaha omg. That is too funny. How in the world? lol I love it!

  13. Haha, you are crazy. Thanks for sharing the pic of your kitchen because now I don't feel quite so, eh, messy. My kitchen looks that way every time I cook. If my daughter helps me, it's even worse. I am a hopeless slob as well as a klutz. My husband will not let me handle sharp or super hot things if he is home because I almost always hurt myself.

    You should make this a meme so we can make each other feel better about our skills (or lack thereof!).

    1. Heh. I am terrible when I bake/cook. I can destroy a kitchen in 2 minutes flat! :D Glad I could make ya feel a wee bit better about your cooking chaos!

      Hmmm Tasty Tuesday and ... ooh I can't think of anything for the disaster part. Would be a hoot though.

  14. LOL! My kitchen looks like that on a daily basis! My worst experience is with Panko crusted shrimp. They turned out rock solid and not crispy and delicious....There was a lot of yelling in the kitchen that day that resulted in some very bewildered looks from Mr. Turning the Pages.
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. Bwaha. I've never played with Panko before. I have a bag of it but I've not gotten brave enough to try and batter anything. You just want to shake your fist at em when they don't turn out crispy and delicious don't ya?

  15. WOW Might I suggest a very large glass of wine tonight? LOL

    1. LOL that kitchen photo was about a year ago so I'm good and recovered ;) Mostly. lol

  16. OMG! I am ROFL so hard I have tears in my eyes!!! Sorry but; this has to be one of the funniest posts I ever read. Even the dog wouldn't eat them! I know it's bad at my house when the cat turns up his nose and walks away and gives me the butt! LOL. I have had many of those days but; the best one is my daughter was small like first grade maybe. I forgot the cookies in the oven. Those suckers were black! She wanted to take them for show and tell at school!!! ROFL. I have throw away many a pan or new food I have tried from a recipe.
    Sue B

    1. Bwahaha that is too funny her wanting to take the for show and tell! Love it! ::snort::

  17. Oh wow, those are so funny. Sorry but they are. :P

    I like to cook and for the most part I do a pretty good job...now. But when I first started out trying new things...I think I really made my neighbors laugh. I got a cake decorating kit for Christmas one year and thought to myself, Yeah I can do that.

    The first few cakes weren't too bad, until I tried using fondant. Instead of using just one solid color of fondant, I decide it would be nice to use a different color for each layer..so I used Blue, Green and Yellow..all on the same cake! I even tried making a fondant flower with glitter on it...didn't go so well as you can see in this picture. http://scarymarythehamsterlady.blogspot.com/2007/01/heres-picture-of-cake-i-made-last-week.html

    I cut a couple of pieces and gave them to my neighbors who asked me what the play dough like substance was on the cake if they were supposed to eat it. LOL

    1. Oh my goodness Mary how funny! Good for you for trying with fondant! I'm such a wuss when it comes to that. LOVE the neighbors reaction. That is just too much. lol

  18. I am laughing SO hard right now! HAWHAW! I surely needed it after the day I had at work today. Two days off now...woohoo! Baby(dog)sitting this week for mom through Monday.

    1. LOL I'm so glad I did the post and could make yall chuckle especially when it was just me being a lazy blogger. lol

      Aws baby dog sitting is awesome! Have fun :) And yay to two days off!! That is fantastic!

  19. LOL, too funny. But I can imagine your plight and frustration when you were in the middle of all these disasters, so frustrating. Thankfully, I haven't had too many disasters to name. In fact, I can't think of any right now except that I'm not good at making icing for the cake. Somehow I blame it on the quality of cream I am able to get. :-p

    1. Oh my word. Yeah in the middle of the disasters there are lots and lots of 4 letter words thrown about. lol I can laugh after thankfully. I've had some other doozies but don't have pictures of them that I could find. I'll have to do another set some day ;)

      Oooo icing is a hard one for me. Mine never seems quite...right. I do believe I'll be blaming the cream from now on. LOL That's excellent!


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