Monday, March 4, 2013

TBR Pile KnockOut! Aaaaannnnd....laugh.

TBR Pile Knockout is hosted by Ana of Beach Bum Reads and Anna of Herding Cats & Burning Soup. This meme was created to tackle our HUGE and STILL GROWING TBR piles.&nbsp

We'll be posting the 1st and 3rd Monday each month. Our goal is to make a rather nice dent in our TBR piles. So, aside from our other lovely reads, we will be making sure ONE book out of our TBR pile will be read :)
Want to join in? Check out the rules:

1. Go to your TBR pile and randomly pick one book off your list!
  • We'll be using to pick our reads.  
  • Type in the number of books in your TBR pile where it says "MAX"  
  • Then click generate and it will give you your randomly selected book!  
  • NOTE: If the book chosen via is part of a series, you can go ahead and read the first book in said series. 
2. Come back here every other week (or however often you'd like to join in) and link up your "TBR Pile Knockout" post in the linky below! [posts can include anything, cover, if you're excited about the pick, a review, etc]

Don't have a blog? You can still join in! Just link in your Goodreads reviews or add link the Amazon/B&N page for the book and leave your thoughts in a comment on this page :)

Aaaannndd cue yall laughing because jam and toast I didn't get my book read again. LOL. I swear I'm actually reading but my butt just cannot read the ones I'm picking. I'm keep getting distracted. Seriously I'm like a magpie... "oooo shiny! want!" and off I go reading the wrong book. Again. ;) I need a keeper people!

So I still need to read...
to get all darn caught up. I'm gonna do it. 2 weeks. 2 weeks. I can do this! ::snort:: and a little snicker.

I DID read 3 off my freebie list (which is what I'm pulling from) so yay for that!

1- A Dark Kiss of Rapture by Sylvia Day
2- Croc and the Fox by Eve Langlais (which I just finished and LOVED)
3- Doms of Dark Haven w/ Cherise Sinclair (FREAKING LOVED IT!)

This week's pick. Alright so I cheated but that may be the only way I get it done right now. LOL This one is on my tbr list and it was a freebie. I'm wanting to give it a read but just haven't been able to push myself to do it so hopefully this will help. I've heard it's really good but it's gonna make me bawl. 

Love hurts...if you're lucky.

Kaden knows he's dying, but before he goes, he has one problem he needs to solve - he must ask his oldest friend Seth to take over as his beloved wife's Dom and Master after his death.

Seth has always seen himself as the perpetual screw-up and Kaden as the strong and steady one, so his friend's request rocks his world. Now Seth finds himself immersed in a role he's far from comfortable with: inflicting pain to provide emotional comfort for the woman he's secretly loved for years. Can he deal with his crushing grief and learn the skills he must master in time to become THE RELUCTANT DOM?

Warning: m/f/m menage, anal sex/play/toys, BDSM, bondage, D/s relationship, and the lesser-known "normality" of the world of BDSM.

SOooooOoo how have yall done? You liking your picks for this next couple weeks?


  1. lol...oooo, you cheated :) looking forward to your review my dear. I love the cover on your pick this week too!


    1. LOL I did. I so did and I'm not even the tiniest little bit remorseful over it. lol I know isn't that cover something? Sexy and a bit haunting. I heard it was a really damn good read from one of the ladies that follows the blog so am looking forward to it. Got my tissues ready and everything. ;)

  2. Hahahahahahaha.. I'm laughing at you. BWahahahaha. lol. kidding :p YOU CHEATER! lol. That one looks really good though. No worries girly, I'm sure you'll get to your other two reads as well. At least don't be like me and have 4 that still need to be read xD

    I started reading my pick today and omfg. I like it so far. Definitely sitting at a 3/4 star rating right now, but we'll see how it plays out. I'm so proud of me. already reading my pick lol. Good luck!


  3. I just don't think that book is in your destiny, LOL I've been there before and just could not read it.

    Sorry that I've been MIA for awhile. I've been working like crazy trying to make up for what I missed while I was sick. Hope all is well your way. :)

    1. ::snort:: Right? Angel Be Good (oops almost wrote Angel be Gone! Kinda fitting ;)though) just doesn't call out to me. I don't know why either. One day maybe.

      No worries Leah. I hope you're feeling better! I have so been there with trying to get all caught up after being down for a while. Hope everything starts cooperating!

  4. Lol, you should pick out a book yourself, that fits your mood, and not rely on random. Just look at your shelves and pick one of a series you really want to read. And before you know it, you will have read some great books.
    If you don't like what you pick, and "have" to read, you will not enjoy this challenge.

    1. LOL and thus my cheating this week. Bwaha. I actually was really looking forward to the last pick the Mona Risk one. It sounded cute and everything time just got away from me somehow.

      Even though I'm failing by epic proportions with the challenge I'm still having fun with it :) It's a real good thing I can laugh at myself on some of these things ;) Hopefully I'll be able to fit the new pick and last weeks in before the next check in. Fingers crossed at least!

  5. I won't laugh at you because I do the same thing! Netgalley is far too tempting and my tbr piles worst enemy! Good luck and know you're not the only one drowning in books.

    1. It's quite alright. I've been laughing at myself over this for the last couple weeks ;)

      I had to pretty much ban myself from Netgalley. lol It is terrible! The freebies are what's killing me at the moment. And well just working in a used bookstore. It's torture on the pile!

      Good luck with your read too!


I always enjoy hearing what YOU think so come on and leave a comment. Everyone's welcome :) And feel free to leave comments on old posts. I'll check in on you there too :)

Bloggers don't forget to leave your links!