Monday, April 8, 2013

Guest Post w/ Elisabeth Staab + giveaway!

Woot! We've got Ms Elisabeth Staab joining us on the blog today. We did a cover reveal for her 3rd book just a week or so ago and she's here today for a guest post about mmmmm Anton and his yummy self. Seriously LOVE this freaking cover. Talk about a "bad boy" look. Gah! So damn good!

So, check out Elisabeth's guest post and enter that giveaway down at the bottom if you'd like. Feel free to leave a comment even if you don't enter the giveaway. Elisabeth is an awesome lady (she's one of the authors I got to meet back in February) so come on and say hi to her :) 


Wizards and vampires have been mortal enemies since the beginning. Now Anton, son of the Wizard Master, has one last chance to steal the unique powers of the vampire king's beautiful sister, Tyra...and then kill her. But when he meets Tyra face-to-face, everything changes...

Tyra will stop at nothing to defeat the wizards, until Anton saves her life and she suddenly sees an opportunity she never could have imagined...

As the sparks ignite between them, together they could bring an end to the war that's decimating their people, but only if they can find a way to trust each other...

"Seven ways to win over a half-breed vampire when you’re supposed to be her mortal enemy."

Let’s face it, relationships are tough. Throw in a few challenges like super powers, being on two different sides of a centuries-old war, a little torture, mobs of angry vampires, a sociopathic family, and some evil blood rituals… You and your beloved could be finished before you even start.

In book one of the Chronicles of Yavn, King of Darkness, we met Anton. A dark and tormented member of the wizard species, Anton was tortured and left for dead after he refused to kidnap the vampire king’s half-sister. You see, he’d developed the warm-fuzzies for Tyra from afar and just couldn’t bring himself to sacrifice her for the advancement of his evil kind. Not even under at the command of his father, who just happened to be the leader of the wizards. In book two, Prince of Power, Anton and Tyra are forced to come together for a mutual good. We see Anton’s feelings deepen, but even after Tyra’s follow suit there’s an issue of Trust. After all, his kind has been killing hers for centuries. That kind of thing doesn’t change overnight, does it?
So. What can a former vampire enemy do to win over the female he loves and get a little trust thrown his way?

  1. Maintain a tireless vigil – Prince of Power begins ten days after King of Darkness ends. Tyra had overused her powers and paid a terrible price. Anton was there to watch over her while she was in a coma, and there he remained until she woke. Even then, before their bond was forced, nobody was gonna lay a finger on his lady. You can bet your sweet bippy that good deed stuck with Tyra for a long time.
  2. Bring her intel –what better way to earn the trust of the beautiful vampire warrior he loves love than to serve her info about the evil wizards with whom he once lived? For a fighter like Tyra, this beats the pants off of reciting poems and picking wild flowers.
  3. Boil her enemies – Well. Boil their blood, really. It’s one of his powers. Thing is, most vampires in the Chronicles of Yavn are born with innate magical abilities. The wizards kill vampires and steal those powers through blood sacrifice. It’s an evil, awful thing, and Anton has come by his ability to murder in an awful way. Still, he can still use his magical abilities for the good of his mate’s kind—to kill the evil bastards who would otherwise prey upon her and other vampires.
  4. Make sure she eats – as one of the only female fighters, Tyra tries hard to prove her strength, and often pushes her limits. Sometimes little things like making the lady stop for a granola bar can help tremendously.
  5. Defend her honor – Tyra’s gonna catch a little hell for bringing an enemy into the vampire king’s enclave. Toeing the line around the vampires may be Anton’s prime directive, but when the rubber meets the road Anton will do what he must.
  6. Rock her world – okay, let’s be honest: nothing says bonding like making sweet, sweet love to her. You can tell a lot from a man by the way he is in bed, and Anton has a lot of bedroom secrets to reveal. The first time Tyra and Anton make love is a huge turning point for them.
  7. Anything –I mean really? He’s in love. This traitorous wizard may have a lot to atone for, but to win the trust of the female who owns his heart, there’s nothing he won’t sacrifice in the end.
                                                                                                                        ~Elisabeth Staab

Elisabeth Staab still lives with her nose in a book and at least one foot in a fantasy world. She digs cats, coffee, sexy stories, and friendly things that go bump in the night. 

Find out more at and follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

And we're doing a quickie giveaway. Yay! But you don't have to enter if you don't want. You can totally still comment though. We love comments :)
For the giveaway I've got a signed copy of book one. 

Just leave a meaningful comment for Elisabeth and I'll pick a winner on 4/15. Extra points if you like her FB or Twitter! Just click those links above and then mention it in your comment. You don't need to leave your email. With Disqus I'll be able to reach ya :) 

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