Saturday, March 1, 2014

2014 Historical Romance Reading Challenge--March LINK UP!

Welcome to month THREE!

What are yall reading first? Any big plans or books you're looking forward to?

Don't forget we have a FB group for the challenge if you'd like to JOIN.

Challenge Recap!
Challenge runs from January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014

Goal: Read at least 12 historical romances (level 1) on up to 100+ (level 7)

What counts: Historical romances set pre-1920,  100+ pages (ebook, print or audio), any sub-genre

To Join: Add your name/info to the list---HERE.
There's a FB group and Goodreads group connected to the challenge for sharing/suggestions/etc.
Just click the links to join.

For full deets/info visit the main event page---HERE

Feel free chat about the books you've read in the comments, to visit each others reviews and like/comment on those, etc. It's always fun to chat about what you're reading so don't feel shy about it! 

Happy reading!!  ~Anna

Please add each review you read to this list separately with a direct link to the review.

 For "Link Title" include your blog name or XYX@goodreads then the book title.
(ex Anna@herding cats--Her Highland Warrior) 

If you have questions about how to add it please let me know

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