Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Countess Confessions (Boscastle Affairs #14) by Jillian Hunter

"A delightful historical romance that had me smiling and completely charmed!"~herding cats & burning soup
All Emily Selwick wanted was to convince the man she had adored for years that she was the woman he ought to marry. She never expected that her ill-fated deception at a party would uncover a scheme against the Crown and ensnare her in the sensual trap of an enigmatic stranger.

Damien Boscastle, the Earl of Shalcross, knows he must marry Emily to defend her honor and keep his mission secret. But, by saving her reputation, he will draw her into his arms as well as a dangerous intrigue.

After a whirlwind courtship that leaves her breathless, Emily finds herself wed to a husband who vows not only to protect her from his menacing world—but to train his wife in the pleasures of passion.

Type: Historical Romance
Heat: 2.5 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5

Amazon | All Romance | Book Depository | BAM | Goodreads

*rubs hands together* Oh yes. I have found a new historical author to go all girly over! The Countess Confessions was a delightfully entertaining romp that was light, fun and utterly romantic with a kick of suspense thrown in too! It was just what I needed today. An easy romance that wasn't too dark or heavy but that kept me intrigued and excited to spend just a little more time with two charming characters as their lives change forever and they set out to protect their country.

The quick of it is that in a last ditch effort to snag the man of her dreams Emily...gets a little creative and decides to pose as a fortune teller at a party to work herself into her dream man's future one reading at a time. Alas! A big beefy hulk of a man--with a secret plan of his own--foils her romantic endeavors at the last minute spinning her world upside down, landing her a husband--though the wrong one!--and dead center in a conspiracy against the Crown. I mean. Talk about a silly little scheme to catch a husband gone way, way awry.

I loved both Damien and Emily. They were excellent characters. Both unique and determined. Flustered by their new circumstances but jumping right in. Witty and honorable and a little unconventional (something I absolutely adored!). And just utterly perfect for one another. I loved that while both of their lives came to an extremely sharp turn when they met neither complained or wallowed but made the best of their new lot in life. They were fun and charming. Endearing and just entertaining. And even steamed things up just a little. She could be a little silly with her schemes now and again but I really liked her moxie and Damien was just sexy as all get out.

"Yes, darling."

"This sort of behavior can't continue."

"It can and it will," he said, consoling her, his hand stroking up her arm. "As long as you are with me, you are safe."

"Not if I am required to start undressing in the library."

"But I like libraries."

She clenched her teeth. "So do I."

"Maybe we can read together after everyone leaves," he suggested, although his mischievous smile implied that reading did not figure high on the list of what he wanted to do when they were alone.
The conspiracy was interesting. I haven't read too many books about spies yet and really enjoyed the historical aspect of it. Seeing them in their disguises, trying to figure out who was behind an assassination attempt, not knowing exactly who could be trusted. It was exciting and pretty fascinating. Not all of it came as a huge surprise but there were spots where I was left going 'well damn! I did not see that coming' which is always a nice thing to have happen. I did wish for a little bit more of a showdown when everything came to a close but really that's probably just me. I am rather blood thirsty. Especially when my hero and heroine are threatened.

So, all in all, The Countess Confessions was a delightful historical romance that had me smiling and completely charmed! Add in a stunning cover and I'm one very happy reader girl. And very much looking forward to more from Hunter.

Have you read Hunter? What did you think?
Do you have a favorite romance involving conspiracies and spies?
A favorite couple that had a marriage of convenience?

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