Sunday, June 15, 2014

Review + Quote-tastic (59) Going a little...Caveman w/ One Night with a Quarterback by Jeanette Murray

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So this week is One Night with a Quarterback. It was a total impulse review pick and OMG I am so glad I gave it a go. It was a fantastic read. And it's out tomorrow so I went ahead and included my review below. Anywho this scene just made me smile and maybe snort a little. Josiah is one of his teammates.

"We admitted there was something here. I refuse to let this little hiccup stop that." She snorted, then pressed her nose into his chest in the first signs of surrender. "I wanted you then, and I want you now. That hasn't changed. Now we just have to be more delicate about how we handle this.

"You have a battle plan?"

"Not yet," he admitted. "But I'm willing to talk to my smarty-pants girlfriend about it. I think she might have a few good ideas."

"Girlfriend?" Her voice was low, hesitant.

"I've never been partial to the word "lover". It's a little Not my style. Girlfriend might be a less mature word for it, but it does the same job."

"It does," she agreed. "So where are we going to have this lovely little planning meeting?"

"Hmm." He took one step back, then rammed his shoulder into her stomach. She shrieked--half surprise, half-laughter--and slapped his ass once in retaliation. But he ignored the protest and took her straight to the stairs.

"If you drop me, you're a dead man."

"I won't drop you. I've got magic hands."

"As the running back, wouldn't that be Josiah who can hold onto the ball under pressure--ouch!" she squealed when he pinched the back of one thigh.

"No talking about other men when I'm playing Caveman, woman."

She grumbled something, but since it didn't sound too flattering to his gender, he didn't ask for clarification.
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Heat: 3 out of 5   Rating: 4.5 out of 5

OMG I want MORE!!! I flipping loved One Night with a Quarterback. things! Sports romance, hot sex, a little family drama and long lost relatives, awesome friendships and just fantastic a heroine and hero who I loved spending time with as their one night stand got...a little bit complicated.

Okay so the quick of it is that Cassie is meeting her father for the first time. And she's nervous as hell about it so wanting to be a little wild and blow off some steam she spends the night with a seriously hot guy she's just met at a club. And it's...a good night. But that's all she's going to let it be and walks away the next morning with no digits exchanged. Much to Trey's dismay. 

I really really loved the heroine. I know! I hardly ever say that. But I was totally digging Cassie. She's a sweetheart. Totally embraces her inner computer nerd and really tries to do everything right and just wants to get to know her new found family--even if they were rather frustrating people. She loves fiercly and wanted to protect those around her and that totally won me over. She's smart too and uses her intelligence which I loved.

And Trey. Well. He's just sex walking and seriously pet-able. Now, he makes a wee bit of a dick move at the end but he fixed it like a champ and had me back on his side again in no time. He was just a great hero as well. I loved how he was with Cassie. Just there when she needed to get it all out, or have a little cry or get lost in some sheet time for a spell. He's a quiet guy who loves what he does but really has a hard time with the limelight. He's solid though and always there for his friends. Gotta love that.

The two together just fit. And made me smile any time they were together. The chemistry was incredible and there right from the start. I swear. These two felt like they'd always been together. They just felt natural and deliciously perfect. And omg. The steamy bits were amazing. Very sexy.  

I really just loved everything about their relationship. Then...there's the drama/conflict came in with Cassie's new family. The father she'd never known, his wife and her two half sisters. It was...not easy to watch as the 5 of them felt things out. I wanted to shake some people HARD for how they treated Cassie when she'd done nothing wrong and just wanted to meet her family. Her family was really a trial--especially her stepmom and father-- and if I'd been her I would have left them right quick. I did love seeing her bond with her sisters though and cheered when she finally stood up to her father who was ignoring her. 

All in all, One Night with a Quarterback was a lovely romance that totally made me do that whole girly sigh thing on more than one occasion. From a stellar and steamy romance to family drama and getting to know Trey's team it was all just a fantastic ride. I'm dying to see what will happen next with the teammates. They were just so fun to get to know and such good guys. If you enjoy a light sports romance this is one not to miss. Murray definitely has a new fan!

Have you read Murray? Have a favorite sports romance?
Or one night stand turned more?

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