Sunday, June 1, 2014

Review/Quote-tastic (57)-- Whoa there cowboy...Branded (The Cavanaugh Brothers #1) by Laura Wright

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Ahhhh cowboys! Today I've got my first Laura Wright read. It was pretty good. Vengeance, a romance between two people who'd known each other since childhood and were on opposite sides of a battle, cowboys, business men, some humor, a little smexy. It was a pretty good read. Since it's coming out tomorrow I tossed in my review and an extra man candy below :)

This little bit. He'd found her on the ranch working when she didn't think he'd be able to and pretty much challenged him to give it his best shot.

"What's it gonna take to make you stop?"

His grin widened. "I want my prize."

She felt that grin all the way down her body. "Well, I don't have a ribbon on me."

"Don't like ribbons."

"Got no gold in these pockets neither."

"I don't need any more gold, darlin'."

No, she was pretty sure that was true. "Fine." She gave her best foreman's stare down. "You hungry?"

His eyes turned from humor to heat in a split second. "Always."

Good God and all that was holy. This man was making her shiver in ninety damn degrees. "Easy, cowboy. I'm talking about lunch. I got it packed. Soon as we finish all the water gaps, I'll share it with you."

"Oh, hell, that's no prize," he grumbled good-naturedly.

"What it is, Deacon Cavanaugh, is a big goddamn sacrifice. I'm starving."

"Fine," he tossed back. His eyes filled with amusement. "Then there'd better be enough. I'm starving, too."

Amazon | All Romance | Goodreads
Heat: 3 out of 5   Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Well, heeeeelllllo sexy cowboy. Or rather sexy business man with a cowboy soul. *fans self* Oh yeah, talk about a seriously fine hero. Whew. I enjoyed Branded and the battle of wills brewing between a deeply hurt man determined to destroy his childhood home and a woman set on saving that very land she holds so dear.

I really liked Deacon. While his mission in destroying the lands where he suffered abuse wasn't really healthy the man was determined and seeing how much pain the past cost him I could totally get his reasoning and had a hard time not rooting him on. I know. I'm terrible. But I was totally Team Deacon. He was a hardened man from the abuse he'd suffered but he also had some very tender moments and weaknesses because of the past that just made me ache for him.

Mac was a little harder for me but I liked her as well.  As the foreman of the ranch she's a tough woman and doesn't take a lot of crap from people. She's passionate and will do anything to stop Deacon from destroying the ranch and is determined to figure out the whys of it all. She definitely won me over with how livid she was in his defense when she found out. Good girl. *nods*

A shared past--and her massive teenage crush on him--made for some funny moments. Heart breaking as well as they remembered the loss all those years ago of his baby sister and her best friend. I loved that they had such a strong connection despite years apart. Heat-wise it was pretty good. Some great sexual tension along the way. The only thing was sometimes the dirty talk...totally made me snort. Which I'm guessing was so not the intention but still. lol

While I really did enjoy Branded and can't wait to see what happens next in the series I there was something--and I can't even pinpoint it--that felt slightly out of sync as the story was told. Not enough to really take me out of the story but that just niggled a little in the background. But other than that...Deacon and his brothers were absofreakindroolworthy and just damaged enough to be interesting. The heroine and the slight mystery involving a long ago cold case kept me a mix of anxious, excited and hopeful from page one. Not bad at all.

So, what's YOUR favorite quote this week?

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