Steve is madly in love with his eccentric girlfriend, Stacy. Unfortunately, their sex life has been suffering as of late, because Steve is worried about the odd noises that have been coming from Stacy's pubic region. She says that her vagina is haunted. She doesn't think it's that big of a deal. Steve, on the other hand, completely disagrees.
When a living corpse climbs out of her during an awkward night of sex, Stacy learns that her vagina is actually a doorway to another world. She persuades Steve to climb inside of her to explore this strange new place. But once inside, Steve finds it difficult to return... especially once he meets an oddly attractive woman named Fig, who lives within the lonely haunted world between Stacy's legs.
Type: Bizarro
Heat: I'm not even going there. Naughty bits are touched though.
Rating: 3 out of 5
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So your hoo-ha is haunted. *slow blink* That kitty's done got the funk. That vajayjay's been good on and vajazzled. *nods* Yes loves. Haunted. Like there's a skeleton up in there haunted. What the devil is a girl to do?!! This is no job for a mere dildo shaped cross to 'cast the spirits out!' The horrors! Nopes...the only logical thing...lube up that boyfriend and send him right on up in there to go spelunking in your snatch. O.o