Friday, October 10, 2014

Randomly Random-- Nail Marbling & #WalmartBeauty Box

So. I was on YouTube.
*nods* Yeah. That's always how it goes. YouTube or Pinterest.
Anyways. Like 2 hours later I saw a vid on nail marbling and decided....
MUST...TRY... and it was pretty awesome :D

This actually looked a lot harder than it was I think. It took me about 5 minutes per hand not including drying time.

First up you need your supplies.
Tape, toothpicks, a small container of room temp water and a couple colors of nail polish.

I started with wrapping my nails. And this was WAY important for clean up.
Goofy as hell but seriously do it.

Wrap one strip right above your nail and around your finger pulling fairly tight.
Then line up another strip on the side of your nail and wrap it around the tip of your finger and then pull tight along the other side of your nail. Then in the back fold all the bits down.

Do one to three nails at a time.

Next up make your design :)

Open your polish and get a big drip going. Then let it drop into the water from a close distance.
The polish will spread out like above. Then drop your next color. And your next.
Once you have your bullseye use a tooth pick to create your design.
I just went totally random but if you want an actual design you can do that too.
Work at a fairly close pace so it doesn't get too dried.
Just drag the tooth pick short distances through the colors then dip slightly and twist the toothpick out to make points.
Then comes the dipping. This you'll do in a reverse scoop motion.
Line your nails up over the polish where you want it to land then lower and slowly dip and flick almost and pull your nail out.

See how important that tape was?!! 
You'll still probably get a little on your skin but not nearly as much.
Remove tape and let dry before adding a top coat or any embellishments.

After each set you'll want to twirl the toothpick over the surface of the water to scoop up any remaining polish so it doesn't interfere with the next set. 

This is a couple of my tries.
The first is with no base coat. It's very pale but depending on the colors that could be neat :)
The second is over a green base.
The third over a white base coat.
All were done using the same three colors of polish but very different results.

Annd that's it! It really wasn't too hard. Didn't take much more time than it does to do my nails regularly and my right hand...way easier than painting them.

Oh and nail polish colors/brands. Some might be easier to work with.
The yellow had some sparkle to it and was a little harder to pull through.
And DONT use quick/insta drying polish. 
The red was dang near impossible to get to move.

So part of what sparked this nail bit was I got my first #BeautyBox from Walmart.

I saw this over at Mary from Dark Thoughts's blog and decided to give it a go.

Basically every Season you get one box of goodies from Walmart for free. 

You just pay $5 shipping.

It turned out to be a pretty good deal!

I got a few hair samples, a full size deodorant, a nail polish and a full sized lip color balm.

The deodorant, nail polish and balm sell in stores for $18. 

So really it was totally worth it. And I liked the products I've tried so far :)

I'm looking forward to seeing what will come out in the Winter box.

If you'd like to sign up just go HERE!

Sooo. Do you like to do your nails? 
Have you ever tried a new technique? 
Did you know about the Walmart Beauty Boxes?

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