Saturday, November 29, 2014

2014 Erotic Romance Reading Challenge--December LINK UP!

Sweet Mary! It's December! And our last Link Up!! Can you believe??

So, how have yall done? Are you on track? Have you passed your goals yet?
Gotta squeeze in a few extras this month?

Quick Recap!

Challenge runs from January 1, 2014 until December 31, 2014

Goal: Read at least 12 erotic romances (level 1) on up to 100+ (level 6)

What counts: All erotic romances* 100+ pages (ebook, print or audio), any genre

To Join: Add your name/info to the list---HERE.
There's a FB group and Goodreads group connected to the challenge for sharing/suggestions/etc.
Just click the links to join.

For full deets/info visit the main event page---HERE

*Erotic romance---the sexual aspect of the relationship is emphasized and more than you'd see in mainstream romance like--JR Ward, Nalini Singh, Lori Foster, Jill Shalvis, Kresley Cole's IAD series, etc. If you aren't sure about one please just ask :) 

 Yall are also more than welcome to chat about the books you've read in the comments, to visit each others reviews and like/comment on those, etc. It's always fun to chat about what you're reading so don't feel shy about it! 

Happy reading!!  ~Anna

Add each review you read to this list. For "Link Title" include your blog name or XYX@goodreads then the book title.  (ex Anna@herding cats--Club Shadowlands) The link should go directly to the review.

If you have questions about how to add it please let me know

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