Friday, April 3, 2015

#AtoZChallenge--Cooking! The room behind the Cook:D

It's the A to Z Challenge!

We're blogging the alphabet along with 1000s of other bloggers.

There's a specific letter for each day and then you pick your own theme.

Our Theme: herder of cats, burner of soup
Basically...a day in the life of and all the things I love
If you've been around the blog you know I LOVE to cook and bake.
I do a Tasty Delights (and Dazzling Disasters) feature a couple times a month.

And I thought it might be fun to show yall my kitchen
and where I do all my cooking and creating.

My kitchen isn't anything fancy. It's rather small and has terrible storage.
It's doing better on that bit now but man when I bought the house it was rough.
The cabinets were from the 80s and I couldn't even stand my drinking glasses in them they were so squatty.

It's got some funky things in it color/pattern-wise. But I think it's kind of fun.
My fridge has a bunch of my Romance Book magnets, some grumpy cat and a fall tree decal that's for the wall but fit the fridge better :)

So back to the squaty cabinets...about 7 years ago now I gutted the kitchen and put it back together.
Updated cabinets and counters and appliances. Really everything got ripped out.
Then over the years I've added.
I bought a dresser at Ikea and made it into an island.
It holds my baking dishes and tupperware.

Then I found some bookcases that had glass doors so put those in too.
It really helped with storage.
Eventually I'll put baseboard in so they look built in but...yeah...lazy girl here so hasn't been done yet. lol

And I have a bit of my family history/connection included too :)

Art from my grandparents travels.
A match strike box (at least that's what I think it was originally) from my great grandmom's house.

When my granddad passed we cleaned out his lab down at the University of Florida.
He'd run the lab for like 40 years and it was crazy packed.
One of the things I got to bring home with me was an old surgical table.
It's beat up but I love it. It's where I store #HerdPup's leashes :)

And then a plate with my birth year. I think they're German.
My grandmom had them for each of her kids, her and my granddad and the year they married at her house right off the dining room.
When I got my own house I was given a plate for my birth year and have it over the stove :)

(oh and when you enter the kitchen from the hall my aprons are hanging there :) )

So. That's where I bake and cook and in general make a mess.
It's not much but I kind of love it.
It's where I go to escape. When I'm feeling down or upset or need to work through something I head to the kitchen and create something fun. Well. I do that when I'm happy too. lol

Do you like to cook or bake?
Do you love your kitchen?
What's your favorite thing about it?

A to Z: 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge? Leave your link below!

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