Every now and again I like to do a different type of review. This time...Bon Appétit pizza.
I received a free coupon via BzzAgent to check this out.
Bon Appétit™ artisan thin crust pizzas are created using premium ingredients, starting with an artisanal thin crust, with carefully selected, delectable toppings. If that sounds fancy (and it should), we assure you preparation is no fuss. Delicious whether oven-baked or grilled, simply pair with your favorite glass of wine and a fresh-tossed salad for an easy, elegant meal. Choose from 5 artfully crafted varieties: Mozzarella & Pesto, Roasted Vegetable, Pepperoni & Pesto, Spinaci, and Trio Bacon.
I don't buy frozen pizza too often. I tend to grab a fresh one from our grocery deli or make my own so I was interested in trying Bon Appétit out. Especially since they had a margarita (or what they're calling mozzarella and pesto) pizza which is one of my favorites when eating out.
So. The fabulous things...
This was really good! It didn't taste like a frozen pizza at all.
It could have easily been one picked up from an Italian pizzeria.
The flavors really did taste fresh, the seasonings were delicious and the tomatoes and cheese delicious. It smelled incredible too. Toppings weren't quite evenly dispersed but they were easy to move around a little bit before baking.
It's a thin crust pizza and it crisped up nicely and had a great flavor and texture as well.
I did have a couple quibbles, though, they won't stop me from having another <g>
First it was crazy expensive at one of our grocery stores. Nearly 6 bucks.
The other grocery store around 4 bucks. So price varied in our area a good bit. I know where to shop for them now though :)
It's also smaller than I expected.
Only about the size of a dinner plate.
It's technically 3 servings but really I ate the whole thing and didn't feel stuffed.
For the size it was crazy high in calories too.
One pizza was about 900 calories. Whoa! They were tasty calories for sure but goodness if you're watching your calories it's definitely something to keep your eye on.
Overall, I gave this a 4 out of 5 rating.
I've had it a couple of times now and have the spinach version in my freezer to try out.
I was pretty impressed with the quality and taste.
Have you tried Bon Appétit?
Do you have a favorite frozen pizza?
What are your topping picks?

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