Monday, September 28, 2015

Quote-tastic/Review-- henchmen? really? --A Tiger's Bride by Eve Langlais

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Eeeeve Langlais is our author for today. I freaking love her shifter books and gave her newest a go this past week and had a good giggle over it. And I totally went with three quotes today. Cus I can. <grins> This was one of those pure silly fun reads with a throw back hero straight out of 80s romance. Kidnapping, hear me roar, you're gonna marry me goodness. He's kind of a bad guy but gah so good!

"So I was stuck with Gregori and Viktor. They make better pilots than henchmen."

"You do know the term henchmen makes you sound like you're a bad guy."

"Excellent." He beamed. "One has to make sure to keep one's reputation intact."
Okay so this guy totally had his girl kidnapped so he could marry her. She...did not love this all that much. I just love his thinking. Totally makes me snort.  
"If you had henchmen doing everything, then what were you doing? Yapping on your phone nefariously plotting?"

"While twisting my imaginary mustache and laughing evilly?" He snorted. "Not quite, little kitten. Given I didn't know how this attempt would go, I elected to rejuvenate myself."

"You slept?"

"Yes. I do not know why you sound so offended. You slept too."

"Because I was drugged."

"Think of it as synchronizing out schedules. I know my brilliant wisdom is sometimes hard to follow, but you'll get used to it."

"I will?"

He smiled with utmost confidence. 
Aaaaand the women...they rule. lol 
When he hung up, she asked, "That sounded pretty serious. Problems?"

"Nothing unusual. Just my sister and mother, being brought up to speed on our current situation."

"Are they upset that you married me without them there?"

"I am their lord. It does not matter."

She arched a brow at his arrogant statement.

He laughed. "Okay, I heard a long spiel about how I was an ungrateful son robbing a mother of her chance to throw a lavish wedding and show those other clan upstarts how royalty weds. Whereas, my sister said I was a boorish ass who needed to get clubbed over the head for acting like a Neanderthal."

She couldn't help but smile. 

A Tiger's Bride (A Lion's Pride, #4)

A rip roaring good time! ::snort:: I couldn't help it! Roar...tigers...impossible to resist! A Tiger's Bride was delightfully silly and a total hero throwback to romances of yore with their unrepentant alpha males as Dmitri spots the lioness he wants, kinda (totally!) kidnaps her, marries her without her realizing and whisks her away to his mother land landing himself in all kinds of exhilarating danger when he and his seriously accident prone lioness go from hunters to huntees--forced to outrun an unknown attacker out to get them. Whew! Hilarity ensues! 

So. This one is just good silly fun. Dmitri is a total cocky alpha male of the feline variety. Think chest beating, taking what he wants, growling. And damn him he makes you giddy over it all. He's determined to find his perfect mate. Her requirements? Wide hips and lion status. He wants him some super babies and he's gonna get those tiger-lion cubs. Teena...gonna have to get on board. lol Teena was a trip all her own. She's the "good" twin and always been considered fragile but the lioness inside her is ready to break out and show every one just what she's capable of and so she does.

I had a lot of fun with them both. Their romance is a spot twisted and kidnapper-ish but, you know, it worked for them. They're feline shifters. They're supposed to be a bit twisted and crazy, right? lol It was fun watching them get past that and kinda actually like each other. Dealing with all the crazy being thrown at them and surviving because of each other as they make it back to his home. It's make-you-snort funny with a big dose of quirkiness thrown into the mix. It worked fine as a stand alone (yeah I'm a bad reader girl and skipped books 1-3) but might be more fun having read the earlier ones and seen Dmitri in those. Sounds like he'd had quite the adventures before snagging him his Teena.

When at first you don’t succeed—turn to abduction.

It’s all in a day’s work when this Siberian tiger meets the woman he wants.

An accidental kidnapping? Check.

A forced marriage? Check.

A virgin bride? Damn. There go his plans for seduction and here comes the pressure into making her first time perfect. Because everyone knows that's the one she'll remember, forever. Gulp.

Add in a plane crash as well as hunters out to capture them and the heat is truly on.

Can this Siberian tiger meet the challenge? 
*covers link to Amazon


So, what's YOUR favorite quote this week?
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