Monday, November 30, 2015

Quote-tastic/Review--a chaperone?--Dukes Are Forever by Anna Harrington

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A new to me author with one seriously gorgeous cover! Didn't quite fit the book but #covergasm. Anywho. I had a good time with Dukes Are Forever. And for some reason this little scene just made me smile...

"We need a chaperone, Your Grace." Good Lord--a chaperone? With the way her body pulsed from even such a fleeting caress, she feared they might need two.

"Unnecessary." He circled his horse back to hers. "You don't need a chaperone." He slapped the mare across the hindquarters and sent her trotting down the drive. "Not when you're with your guardian."

"How convenient," she muttered, his horse settling in beside hers.

"I don't make the rules," he drawled with a teasing gleam in his eyes. "I just enjoy them."

When he leaned out of his saddle and placed his gloved hand over hers, ostensibly to adjust her grip on the reins, her heart fluttered. Oh, they were going to need a dozen chaperones...

"And for some reason, Kate, I find myself enjoying your company." His voice softened with an undertone of curiosity, as if he couldn't quite believe it himself. "Very much."

And then her heart completely stopped. She had to swallow before her mouth found the words to stammer, "But all we do is argue!"

A slow grin drew her attention to his sensuous mouth. "I know."

Dukes Are Forever (The Secret Life of Scoundrels #1)

I enjoyed the heck out of Dukes Are Forever. A man out for revenge, a guardian and his new ward (who turns out not to be a 5 year old child like he was expecting but a gorgeous 20 year old woman), attraction and fear and so much stubbornness you just wouldn't believe! *sigh* It was great. lol

Okay so the quick of it is that Edward is intent on ruining the man who killed his brother and got off scot free. And in doing so he became the ward of his daughter. He's totally thinking she's a child but dayum...nope! She's full grown, full of fire and opinionated. And none too pleased with a strange man coming into her life, bossing her around and trying to change things. And so begins a battle of attraction and frustration that nearly does them both in.

Even though they made me want to shake them so hard I liked both Edward and Kate. Boy, oh boy. Edward was a handful. A former Army colonel turned Duke who is oh so sexy and used to giving orders and having them followed. Kate not gonna fall in line with that! I enjoyed Kate. She's not your average young woman. She's a passion for medicine and bucks most conventions of the time. I so felt for her. Her frustration and helplessness bled off the pages and I seriously wanted to stand up for her and give all the men in her life a good set down for how they manipulated her life to their whims. Even if they were doing things "in her best interest". Edward, at least, didn't mean to be a butthead. He really was a good guy but oh his delivery of good guy-ness left a lot to be delivered sometimes. lol

The chemistry between them--even if they tried to deny it--was oh so evident and there were a number of yummy, passionate sex scenes. My one gripe was the deflowering scene and a runaway hymen that wasn't where it should have been. Kills me. KILLS ME. That suckers not 4+ inches inside. It's first to the party, people. It does make for a more dramatic, erm, moment. But *eye twitch*

I had a good time watching these two battle and fall for one another as they got to know each other and bring her estate back to life (the estate her father had drained nearly dry). There were some misunderstandings (or more him being stubborn and not allowing discussion <--and needing a kick in the pants) plus a little danger and heartache over her family as it reared it's ugly head which made for some nice drama. I definitely want more from the series. I loved the little glimpses of Edward's best friends who had been to war with him. They sound like they're going to be a blast and oh so fascinating to see fall in love. A lovely debut into the world of historical romance. I can't wait to see what Harrington creates next!

Battlefields and barrooms hold much more interest for Edward Westover, Duke of Swarthmore, than a little girl's fondness for dolls and lace. When he takes possession of his enemy's estate, everything that villain held dear—including his daughter—belongs to Edward. Hire a governess, arrange a dowry, give a few reassurances, and be off on his way—that's Edward's plan. But he's in for the shock of his life. For his new ward is a beautiful, impetuous, and utterly irresistible woman...

Kate Benton is stunned. Who is this arrogant, infuriating man who's invited himself into her home and taken over her life? Her vow: to do everything in her power to convince him to leave her—and Brambly House—alone. Yet as chilly days melt into sultry nights, Kate sees glimpses of kindness underneath Edward's cool façade . . . and a passionate nature that takes her breath away. There's so much she doesn't know about this man. But does she dare trust this devilish duke with her heart?

Amazon | All Romance | Book Depository | Goodreads
*covers link to Amazon

So, what's YOUR favorite quote this week?
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