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I've been a long time fan of Eve Langlais and her quirky shifters so there was a total squee over seeing a new series. And that it featured a...crocodile shifter! This little exchange just left me smiling. I love when a heroine teases the hero just a little bit...
"So you think I did okay?" Shot me now. He sounded like such a wuss for even asking. Given he needed to reassert his manliness, he sat on the end of her lounge chair, resulting in the other end flipping up and sending her tumbling into him.
"Caleb!" she squealed.
"That's what I like to hear," he said, shifting his weight so that the chair balanced out. He also kept her on his lap, where she belonged. "Although, if you're going to scream my name like that, the least you could do is get naked first."
"We can't get naked. Someone--"
"Might see," he finished with a sigh. "Being an adult blows."
"And so do I," she said with a wink. "What a shame you'll have to wait for a sample."
Mind blown. The increased heart rate and heat flushing his skin? Pure fucking arousal. "You are being intentionally cruel. You do realize that, right?"
The smile on her lips turned, if possible, even naughtier.
Croc's Return (Bitten Point #1)
*bounces around in shifter glee* We have a Crocodile shifter, ladies! I love me some grumbly croc shifter. Noms! Croc's Return was a fun little trip into the swamp lands of Bitten Point. A second chance romance, a surprise or two for both the hero and the heroine, something nefarious lurking around town. It was a good time, indeed.
The quick of it is that Caleb royally screwed the pooch a few years back. Left town and pretty much dropped everyone in his world like a hot potato--he had his reasons--to join the military. But now he's back, scarred in more ways than one, and ready to make amends. And oh the people around him...gonna give him one hell of a time. Not only that but somethings funky in town and shifters are being threatened by some unknown bad that's snatching them off the streets...
I loved Caleb. He's scared physically and mentally from his years in the military and he struggles with his inner beast and trusting himself. He was a good guy doing his best to fix all the hurt he caused years ago by disappearing. I loved his Crocodile self and his chats with his inner beast.
And Renny...I had my concerns about her but she turned out pretty great too. Once she realized there was a real threat lurking around she pulled up those big girl britches and got on board (for the most part) with playing things safe and dealing with the past in a pretty mature way.
I did like these two together. The romance is rather slow and there's very little actual heat since they were dealing with all those grrrargs from the past but the chemistry between them sparkled and there were a couple hot scenes.
There's a bit of mystery with a real funky big bad that added some nice suspense and led to Caleb coming to terms with his inner Crocodile. It was curious and while the threat was eliminated it looks like there will be some carry over into the next book with who was behind the big bad. Definitely has me interested to see what'll happen next.

Yeah. The blurb is insanely long on this one so click the links for the summary of it.
Amazon | All Romance | Goodreads
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