Monday, February 22, 2016

Quote-tastic/Review-- blink-- Along Came A Rogue by Anna Harrington

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Anna Harrington is a fairly new author to me. This is the second book of hers I've read now and, yall, I'm seriously becoming smitten! They totally captivate and for me that's an amazing thing as of late. I seriously can't put her books down. Yay! Anywho. So there's some danger in this one. In this first quote they've been locked in a room and are trying to get out by breaking the door handle so they can escape. I just loved that she caught him by surprise :D
With a curse, he raised the poker to strike the door again.

She waved a gun in front of his face. "Here!"

"What the hell--" He drew back in surprise and stared. A dueling pistol with pearl-inlay handle and acid-etched barrel, elegantly beautiful, and wholly impractical. And so old he wondered if it would even fire.

"Be careful," she warned, "it's loaded."

He blinked. "You keep a loaded pistol in your sitting room?"

"Of course."

For a heartbeat he stared at her incredulously. Then, grinning broadly, be murmured appreciatively, "Good girl."

They made me smile in this one quickly followed by a yes, please! I also loved the brat nickname. They'd known each other for ages and it was lovingly said :D 
He kissed her one more time, then moved away to stand at the edge of the bed and unfasten his trousers. Her gaze shifted down his body to linger beneath his waist, and she swallowed nervously. Evidence of his need for her already bulged against the fabric, only to stiffen more beneath the heat of her curious eyes. He knew she'd seen at least one naked man before, but she'd never seen him. Watching her face to witness her reaction to her first glimpse of him, he unfastened his trousers and pushed them down his legs to kick them off--

Her eyes darted up to his and stayed there, glued to his face.

Unmoving, he grinned with unabashed amusement at her sudden shyness. "Look at me, brat, "he ordered quietly.

"I am looking at you," she returned, her eyes never leaving his.

Stubborn chit. He almost laughed that his little seductress should suddenly turn so timid.

But when he saw how fiercely her body trembled, his amusement fled. "Emily," he said gently, "please look at me. I want you to."

Taking a deep breath, she tore her gaze away from him and down his body. Across his chest, along his front to his hips, then lower still... Her big blue eyes widened as her lips formed a silent oh of surprise. The honesty of the small reaction pleased him immeasurably. So did the way she shifted to lean toward him to get a better view and how the tip of her tongue darted out unconsciously to lick her lips.

Slowly, he stalked forward and crawled up the length of her. Possessive and predatory, he knelt over her on all fours, trapping her between his hands and knees and preparing to take the pleasures she offered. He'd warned her. He'd told her what kind of man he was and how he didn't plan on stopping with only a taste.

And now he planned on devouring her.

Along Came a Rogue (The Secret Life of Scoundrels #2)

5 Reasons Along Came a Rogue was Fabulous!

What a beautifully done romance. Cover to cover Along Came A Rogue was lovely, exciting and oh so very romantic. The quick of it is that Emily's brother has been gravely injured and his only request is for Emily to come to his bedside but for reasons of her own she's not come yet so Nathaniel decides he's going to make it happen. His best friend wants his sister...he's gonna get his sister even if Nathaniel has to drag her kicking and screaming across the country side to make it happen. Little does he know the danger he's about to set loose!

And now why it was amazing...

1. Opening paragraph. It killed me. The surprise, the naughty, the omg I wanna know more! In the shadows of the private opera box, Nathaniel Grey lowered the glass of whiskey from his lips and smiled down at the beautifully coiffed head bobbing at his crotch.

2. The hero! Grey is a rogue but sweet and caring and dreamy. I fell for him completely and how he was with Emily. Especially after finding out her big secret and what had truly kept her away from her family. He was an orphan who fought his way to a successful career in the military and hid his upbringing with a fierceness. I just loved him completely and that his social status was 'beneath' hers. It made for an interesting issue.

3. Emily was a wonderful heroine too. She's hiding a big secret and has so much on her plate but she held herself together with class and kept her head. You could see the good in her heart and I loved that when she found out HIS secret she wasn't phased either. She was a heroine you could root for and that I could easily see being friends with.

4. The heat is AMAZING. These two have some serious chemistry and they put their time together as they travel from her country home to London to GOOD use. It's delicious, sexy and shiver-worthy.

5. Fast paced adventure! This was an exciting book! There's always something happening and I loved the energy and feel. Harrington held me completely captive. It's such an amazing feeling when that happens. The journey they went on both physically and emotionally was just such a ride! There was a good bit of danger as well and while I figured it out fairly early on it was still so good!

6. Okay and adding one extra in. I just loved the romance of these two. They have a different dynamic because of her secret but it was beautifully done and so incredibly touching. Everything about them just grabbed my heart and left me smitten.

All in all, Harrington is proving to be an amazing voice in the historical world. Along Came A Rogue was beautifully done. Plain and simple this is a gorgeous romance that'll leave you sighing in delighted pleasure.

Major Nathaniel Grey is free to bed whomever he wants, whenever he chooses, and that's exactly how he likes it. His only loyalties are to country and the two friends he served with—brothers he'd do anything for. So when one of them is gravely injured and asking for his little sister, Grey will move heaven and earth to bring her home. He's greeted not by the gangly girl he remembers, but a stunningly beautiful woman holding a loaded musket. And he's utterly captivated by her...

Once upon a time, Emily would have loved nothing more than a stolen hour with her brother's best friend, the dashing officer who captured her heart and soul. But things are different now—and so is she. Gone is the eager young woman who believed in love. In her place is a widow weighed down with secrets who desperately needs to disappear before they're revealed. But Grey's sinfully sexy smile offers protection unlike anything she's ever known, tempting her to risk everything . . . even her heart.


Challenges: Pick Your Genre (historical) | Pervy Girl (erm I can't say!) | Goodreads

So, what's YOUR favorite quote this week?
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