Wednesday, May 4, 2016

3.5 stars--How I Married a Marquess (The Secret Life of Scoundrels #3) by Anna Harrington

Anna Harrington has me totally smitten. She's a breath of fresh air to the historical romance genre and has me clamoring for more. How I Married A Marquess...unique, action packed and enchanting.

The quick of it is that Thomas is a rather broken ex-spy. He was injured a year ago and just hasn't recovered his steady hand. But he's determined to make his way back and prove to the War Office he's fit for duty again and to do so? he's going to help track down a highwayman that's been targeting guests leaving one particular home for the past couple years. A house party provides the perfect cover if only he can keep his wits around the lovely and distracting Josephine who is way more than she seems at first glance...

Soooo the things about How I Married a Marquess...

1. Thomas and Josephine. I wanted to tackle hug them and just plain ol' tackle them in equal turns. lol I enjoyed them but they could both have their turn being difficult. But even when they were difficult I had a good time with them and watching them try to deal with each other. Seeing the fire in her and a determination to see justice done and watching Thomas struggle to get back the life he so loved and dealing with PTSD from his attack the year before.

2. The heat. I loved the chemistry between Josephine and Thomas. It wasn't full out explored for a good while but they had a great back and forth and when they finally DID get together it was pretty yummy--minus the runaway hymen that just didn't know where it was supposed to be.

3. Adoption! You don't see that too often with titled families but the heroine...adopted as a child by a Baron and his wife who desperately wanted a daughter but had had only sons. I loved that. And how much her family adored her. It was just unique and brought a fascinating addition to the story as well as some really heart tugging moments as she struggled with feeling secure since she wasn't a "real" child.

4. I love both of their families. The men he fought with that became his brothers (and their wives) and her siblings. Oh my word. Her brothers are big and such a handful! I would freaking LOVE to get their stories. They're character you just can't help but get a huge grin on your face when you see them they're so dang cheeky and wild.

5. The action! This one had a good bit of excitement and intrigue. Dealing with the highwayman...and a lovely twist on who it turned out to be, government manipulations and traitors in their ranks, etc. It was pretty non stop for a while and fun watching them battle and figure it all out.

All in all, an entertaining romp that left me excited for more from Harrington.

Okay and a quote I thought was funny. This is the current hero and the previous hero. It just made me snort a little. (and yes the previous heroine totally shot at her hero and was a total badass)
"When you met Emily," Thomas bit out, uncomfortable at prying into his brother-in-law's private life with his sister but finding he desperately needed to understand, "how did you know she was special?"

"She shot a gun at me."

He stopped and fully faced Greg, hands on hips. "You are not helpful."

Josephine Carlisle, adopted daughter of a baron, is officially on the shelf. But the silly, marriage-minded misses in the ton can have their frilly dresses and their seasons in London, for all she cares. Josie has her freedom and her family . . . until an encounter with a dark, devilishly handsome stranger leaves her utterly breathless at a house party. His wicked charm intrigues her, but that's where it ends. For Josie has a little secret . . .

Espionage was Thomas Matteson, Marquess of Chesney's game-until a tragic accident cost him his career. Now to salvage his reputation and return to the life he loves, the marquess must find the criminal who's been robbing London's rich and powerful. He's no fool-he knows Josie, with her wild chestnut hair and rapier-sharp wit, is hiding something and he won't rest until he unravels her mysteries, one by one. But he never expected to be the one under arrest-body and soul . . .
*covers link to Amazon

Challenges: Pick Your Genre (historical) | Goodreads

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