Monday, June 13, 2016

Quote-tastic/Review-- Cucumber of Love?! --Daring In a Blue Dress by Katie MacAlister

Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed ya for one reason or another.

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Katie MacAlister is always perfect for a Quote-tastic post. Oh my word. The lady is hilarious! This first one cracked me up. I love all the various kitties and cocks that are used in romance...

"It's really amazing how bodies can be so different." I said, swirling my tongue around his other nipple. "You're so hard. And no, not just your bald-headed giggle stick."

His eyes popped open. "My what?"

"You know," I gently bit his nipple. "Your baloney pony."

He stared at me.

"Cucumber of love?" I asked, a little giggle slipping out as I said it.

"Do you feel better now?" he asked, one eyebrow rising. "Are there any more you feel you can't hold back?"

I thought for a moment. "Fun gun, kosher pickle, and Darth Vader. Okay, now I'm done."

"Darth Vader?"

I laughed outright at the expression on his face, comforted by the fact that his lips were twitching despite his attempt to keep a straight face.
And then this one. Alden's trying to renovate an old estate that's falling to bits and woo boy! this house is giving him fits and I couldn't help but laugh on this one. I've SO been there with renovations. lol
At that moment the overhead lights-- both of them-- gave whispered hiccups and went out, one after the other.

"You bastard house!" he shouted, raising his fist to the ceiling. "You're costing me a fortune in light bulbs!"

Daring In a Blue Dress (Matchmaker in Wonderland #3)

Cheeky silly fun! It's hard not to have fun with a book from MacAlister and so was the case of Daring in a Blue Dress. Witty, endearing characters, endless humor, a little mystery and adventure. 

The gist of it is that Alden has bought himself an old estate with the intent of flipping it. He's gonna get in, get things fixed up and he's out. Simple! Ahhh if only his house wasn't trying to commit suicide and take him down in the process. And it didn't come complete with a trope of medieval knights in training, a stubborn former lady of the mansion, semi-perv-ily named birds and one sassy, maddening and totally captivating woman his sister-in-law was trying to hook him up with. Somehow he's got to survive...them all. Poor sod.

Alden! Ahhh he was a fabulous hero. He's awkward as hell around women--like stutters, panics and runs awkward-- but he's sexy and endearing too. I just loved him. How hard he worked, the exasperation, the shyness and grumbliness when everyone started to drive him bonkers. And Mercy was a wonderful heroine for him. She's determined and quirky and always out for fun and doing something new. She was daring and ready to take on his gawkiness which was really just a hoot.

They were excellent together. His grumpy to her cheery. His shy to her outgoing. Their chemistry and heat was both steamy and silly...just like them. Have I mentioned fun already? Because they just were. 

There's a lot going on in Alden's world and whew boy it was all hilarious and fun if not maddeningly frustrating (poor Alden and all the crazy surrounding him lol). It was a blast watching the knights in training--they run a 3 week learn how to be a knight course--and seeing all the home repair disasters that popped up. Add in a little mystery and danger as it appears someone's out to get Alden and mysterious tunnels are discovered and it was just a treat.

All in all, MacAlister, once again, charmed and delighted. With quirky wit, endearing characters, and laugh out loud humor Daring in a Blue Dress left me smitten and smiling. 

Stranded in England without money or a ticket home, Mercy Starling takes a job working for a medieval reenactment company. After all, who wouldn’t want to pretend to live in the past, wield swords and long bows, and dress up in armor? And the best part of her summer job is Bestwood Hall...or rather, its intriguing new owner.

The painfully shy Alden Ainslie is overwhelmed by the medieval reenactors who invade the Tudor house he’s renovating, but he’s drawn to the bubbly Mercy. And he valiantly joins in the fun, dodging not just arrows, lances, and the odd sword thrust, but also some pretty suspicious—and potentially deadly—attacks on himself. Someone wants him to give up on the house. But Alden is desperate to prove himself—and win the heart of his lady fair...


*covers link to Amazon

Challenges:Pick Your Genre (contemporary) | Goodreads

So, what's YOUR favorite quote this week?
Joining in on Quote-tastic? Add your links below!

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