Thursday, November 10, 2016

Guest Post w/ Noelle Adams-- aws A Sweet Herd Babe & Inspiration!

Hey guys! Today we've got Noelle Adams joining us for a fun herd babe infused post. Yall check it out then hit those comments and leave her some love! ~anna

In May of last year, I moved to a small mountain town in the Appalachians. I’d just resigned my full-time job and was going to write for a living, so I moved across the state to be closer to my aging parents. At about the same time, my twelve-year-old Cocker Spaniel went totally blind, so the move was very hard for her. Once she got used to the new house, she was perfectly happy doing her favorite thing—taking naps.

Since she couldn’t see and didn’t know the new neighborhood by memory, she couldn’t really go on walks anymore. I bought her a dog stroller so she could get outside more and at least smell some interesting scents.

Once she got used to it, she really liked being pushed around in the stroller. As a professional woman with a PhD, I already had very little in common with my neighborhoods. Pushing around a dog in a stroller only made me seem even more out of place. I can’t tell you how many shocked looks and expressions of wonder I encountered as my neighbors realized that the “baby” I was pushing around in the stroller was actually a dog. We would walk down the street—passing by the house with six BEWARE OF DOG signs, the Masonic lodge, the yard with the collection of four dozen garden gnomes, and the house with three horses and a gray donkey who always trails after them in the yard—and everyone would look at me and my dog like we were from a different planet.

It was on these walks that I came up with the idea of Trophy Wife. In that novel, Allison is has just gotten divorced from a rich husband and moved to a small mountain town where she doesn’t at all fit in. Like me, it takes her a while to get to know the townspeople, but once she does, she starts to understand and really like them. She also falls in love with her very sex neighbor who owns the local hardware store and who is always trying to come over to her place and fix things! By the end of the book, she’s part of the community and feels at home where she thought she never could.

I still walk my dog around my town in her stroller, but everyone knows us now. I pass by all the familiar houses, and people hang out their doors to wave at us. Folks driving by honk when they see us, and people will call out, asking how my dog is feeling today. They might still think I’m strange, but I’m one of them now—part of the community. It just took a year and a half!

Alison Davies used to just be a trophy wife. Now she’s just flat broke. Thanks to an ironclad prenup, she’s worse off than she was before the day she rushed down the aisle with a wealthy jerk eight years ago. After her steep fall from riches to rags, Alison refuses to shackle herself to any man who treats her like a possession—no matter how good he looks in a pair of well-worn jeans, or how his muscles ripple while he’s carrying her couch.

Underneath his rugged exterior, Rob West is a gentleman. So when he sees his beautiful new neighbor moving in, he’s going to help her out no matter how loudly she protests. In fact, Alison’s determination to go it alone just strengthens his resolve—and his desire to find out what makes her tick. But after one spur-of-the-moment tumble in the sheets, it’s clear that their connection goes way deeper. And that Rob won’t be happy until Alison surrenders to the passion they share.
Amazon | Goodreads

Noelle handwrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she reads any book she can get her hands on and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel.

She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.

Find Noelle online
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