Books, cats, pups, journals, FOOOD!!!! It's been a busy couple weeks :D

I got some pretty new reads thanks to blogger friend Sophia <3 and #BabyG is sleeping right through all the excitement. lol I'm definitely looking forward to these!
Look at those faces! Spent the first bit of Thanksgiving pet sitting these two. <3 They're SO busy and sweet too.
Helpful. So helpful. Gladys decided she needed to get in on the Christmas box stuffing. Lol #merrychristmas #ThereMightBeFur #LoveBabyG
Breakfast was amazing.
Pesto flat bread with zucchini, baby broccoli and sun dried tomatoes.
When yous been naught but your mama loves you and let's you read anyways. And even holds the book.
BabyG had words with Santa. lol
This week's planner pages. I just love the owls. It's all inked in now.
Our town had a Christmas tree lighting. It was so freaking cold out but fun to attend. Lots of people and they had music, dancing and even a juggler.
One of the wreaths I made. My first time making a lop-sided wreath. Its on my kitchen door.
Throwback! My mom sent me this photo. That's me way over on the right size. Aws, right? And the lady in the middle of the couch is my great grandmom Winifred. It was her 80th birthday.
I hit 2500 posts this past weekend! Woots!
#AncientBlogger #AllTheWords
Noms. Coming soon to a blog near you!
I wanted to play with puff pastry and figured a Nutella star was a good idea.
I wanted to play with puff pastry and figured a Nutella star was a good idea.
And last but not least. My review journals for 2017 got here! And two weeks early.
I'm so freaking excited. I did three this year. This first one is my review/blog journal which will track review requests, giveaways, challenges, events plus notes on each book I read.
What the inside looks like.
I'll eventually sell generic versions of this journal with different covers for purchase. Eventually. lol
And I couldn't decide on initial photo so I made three journals. lol The guy in the middle is a plain lined journal. Not sure what I'll use that for but I couldn't resist him. The rest of his photo is on the backside. Noms! And then I decided I needed a physical Life Reboot journal to go with my blog feature. It's got blank pages inside with a spot for a heading on each page.

If you do a photo post on your blog or FB feel free to link yourself in :)
They don't have to be based on instagram. I add others in, too.
They don't have to be based on instagram. I add others in, too.

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