The quote was from Shelly Laurenston's novella. Lord but I love her shifters. Especially when they get naughty and humor is brought in. Such a slip of the tongue!
"Have you been thinking about me this morning?"
Had she been thinking of anything else?
She nodded, not sure she should risk speaking.
"Did you touch yourself while you were? Did you make yourself come?"
"I haven't done that with my hands since I gave myself carpal tunnel a couple of years ago."
He stood there for a second, his mouth so close to her clit she thought she might burst out of her skin if he didn't touch it, or stroke it, or something. But then he started laughing. So hard, he finally laid his head on her stomach, his arms resting on the table.
Confused, she stared at him. Then her eyes widened and she said, "No, no! I got carpal tunnel from typing too much at my job!"
Kyle laughed harder. He hadn't laughed this much in a long time. And never with a female he'd been sleeping with.
"Come on, darlin'." He wiped tears from his eyes, then slipped his hands under her body and lifted her into his arms. "Let's take this to the bedroom."
One Last Weekend by Linda Lael Miller
College sweethearts Teague and Joanna Darby, once passionately in love, are on the brink of divorce. When a ferry strike leaves them stranded together at their beloved beach cottage, it could be the most awkward weekend ever. Or the perfect chance to fall for each other all over again-one steamy encounter at a time...
You Give Love a Good Name by Jennifer Apodaca
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My Kind of Town (The Long Island Coven #1) by Shelly Laurenston
Deputy Kyle Treharne of seaside Smithville, North Carolina, hates Yankees-even exotically beautiful ones like Emma Lucchesi. The sexy New Yorker's got trouble written all over her, and she knows more than she's telling about the increasingly strange goings-on in his town. But if the lady's got a few tricks up her sleeve, so does the lawman. And it's high time for every wicked thing to be deliciously revealed...
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