My great-grandmom (my granddads mother) was one of them. She drew people and landscapes and the occasional flower <---ahhh another F!
Years ago when I bought my house my grandmother sent me this piece and it's hung in my entry ever since.
It's simple and not all that frilly. It's not bold or sassy.
But it's one of my favorite pieces.
Not just because my Great Grandmom Winifred drew it.
But it hung in my grandparents house for 50 years before coming to my home.
I love that they looked at it and cherished it for so many years.
One of the funny things, though.
My grandmom and mom like to write on the back of art so you know what it was and where it came from.
So she pulled it off her walls after all those decades and wrote on the back of it.
And then her herd kitty promptly chewed it up.
(and yes yall that saw my rant about being called Darling-- it's totally okay for my grams to call me darling. lol)
Anywho. They had to take it in to get a new backing put on it and they made a little pocket for the original chewed up note to fit into. lol Ahhh herd babes. They do love to leave their mark.
And that's F. Family art, flowers, fiendish felines.
My Theme Is... things in my house.
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