Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A to Z Challenge-- Pink Flamingos

Birds freak me the fuck out.

But I'm good with ducks and with flamingos.

And somehow that meant I needed pink flamingos in my life. Badly!

So my mama came to the rescue.

I now have 5 of them. ::snort::

One pretty painting I've had in my bathroom for years.

And then four in the front yard. Though, really, one is yellow.

I have two wind flamingos. They kind of bob in the wind and are a bit more artistic which is fun.

And then the other two are replicas of the original pink flamingos from back in the 50s. A few years back for an anniversary celebration the did a bunch of replicas. They have a little more detail than your typical now a days flamingos if I'm remembering right.

Anywho. I have two in each of the front beds :D

And that's a perfectly tacky P.

My Theme Is... things in my house. 
Check out my other A to Z posts! 
If you're part of the challenge leave your links in the comments!

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