Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A to Z Challenge-- Umbrellas

I'm only happy when it rains!!!

Okay, so that's not true. But I love the rain. The way it smells. The way it sounds. The fresh start after it ends. The perfect excuse to stay in and read with a cup of hot tea.


Yes. I LOVE me some umbrellas.
I may have one or two. Or ten.

Yeah. I buy them all the time. I have a lot of just small pocket umbrellas. Never leave the house without one, yall. You just never know!

So there are umbrellas in each of the cars, I have them stashed in my room and in the medical table in the kitchen. Have a couple big ones hanging there too.

And I love funky umbrellas.

Ones that have little secrets.

I just loved these two. One cheery city scene. One that hides blue skies.

They make me happy.

And were seriously needed the past 2 days. We had 8.38 inches of rain fall in just over 48 hours. O.o

And that is U.

My Theme Is... things in my house. 
Check out my other A to Z posts! 
If you're part of the challenge leave your links in the comments!

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